Sep 18, 2024
2019-2020 Undergraduate Bulletin [Archived Bulletin]
ANTH 3300 - Ethnographic Research Methods
Goals: This course surveys the variety of ethnographic research methods and techniques used by anthropologists. It builds on the foundation of the fieldwork exercises introduced in introduction to anthropology through a much more detailed examination of the work anthropologists do and the nature of the data they collect.
Content: This course will cover both the practical aspects of actual ethnographic research—the methods and skills of anthropological fieldwork—and review theoretical examinations and critiques of the work anthropologists do. We will discuss formulating research questions, writing a research proposal and collecting data in sociocultural contexts (through, for example, written fieldnotes, interviews, observations, translation, visual techniques and archival research.) We will also read some outstanding ethnographies.
Taught: Alternate years, fall semester
Prerequisite: ANTH 1160 or instructor permission
Credits: 4