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    Jan 22, 2025  
2018-2019 Graduate Bulletin 
2018-2019 Graduate Bulletin [Archived Bulletin]

Academic Standards and Policies

Note: Changes in the following standards and policies may go into effect periodically.

The following are academic policies that apply specifically to graduate students. For additional Hamline University policies, visit

Academic Integrity and the Hamline University Academic Honor Code

Statement of Purpose

Every member of the Hamline University community—students, faculty, administrators, and staff—is responsible for upholding the highest standards of academic integrity at all times. The assumption that academic work is an honest reflection of one’s knowledge and skills is fundamental to the integrity of Hamline University and to the value of a Hamline diploma. If students at an institution of higher education develop a reputation for receiving grades based on honest work, GPAs and academic degrees held by all students from that institution are valued more highly. The faculty subscribe to standards of academic honesty in their research and teaching. Every person in the University is responsible for adhering to the principles of the Academic Honor Code. 


Academic dishonesty includes any act that has the effect, or intention, of giving one student an unfair advantage over others in the completion or evaluation of academic work and/or inaccurately representing one’s academic work. The examples below refer to all academic work submitted for evaluation, whether completed online, in a classroom, or in a hybrid course that combines face-to-face instruction with online interactions and submissions. Prohibited conduct under the Code includes, but is not limited to, the following: 


  • Using notes or other source materials (without instructor permission) on a quiz or exam
  • Copying another student’s answers on a quiz or exam
  • Using electronic devices (e.g., phones, pagers, computers, calculators) in an unauthorized manner during an exam
  • Copying another student’s homework assignment
  • Submitting, in whole or in part, a paper that is not your own work (e.g., purchasing a paper on the internet or submitting another student’s paper)
  • Collaborating on a take-home exam assigned to be completed individually
  • Altering answers on a graded exam or assignment in order to resubmit your work for a better grade
  • Misrepresenting yourself online, including but not limited to, having another individual complete or submit work via your personal login to a course.


Plagiarism is the act of using ideas and information from any source, published or unpublished, without proper attribution (e.g., from a book, journal, newspaper, report, speech, media broadcast, interview, or the internet). Plagiarism includes but is not limited to:

  • Quoting, paraphrasing, or otherwise using text from a source, for example, an online source. without crediting the author(s)
  • Copying sentences, phrases, or other language verbatim from a source without using quotation marks
  • Presenting work completed by another individual (including another student) as your own
  • Sharing files with another person outside of the requirements of the course.

Making Multiple Submissions 

  • Submitting, without prior authorization, a paper or assignment completed for one class to fulfill a requirement for another class.

Fabricating Information 

  • Using and/or submitting fabricated or altered information for any academic exercise or requirement; e.g., making up data for an experiment or citing non-existent sources in a paper
  • Fabricating or lying about reasons for requesting an extension on a quiz or exam, paper, or other assignment.

Using Materials in an Unauthorized Manner 

  • Stealing or otherwise acquiring unauthorized access to examinations or faculty instructional materials
  • Removing books, periodicals, or other sources from the library without permission 
  • Damaging books, periodicals, and other library sources
  • Keeping library and reference materials beyond permitted time with the intent of preventing others from using them (e.g., items on reserve).

Misrepresenting Academic Records 

  • Misrepresenting or tampering with, or attempting to misrepresent or tamper with, any portion of an academic record either before, during, or after enrollment at Hamline
  • Forging a signature on any form 
  • Altering, or attempting to alter, academic computer records 
  • Falsifying academic information on a resume.

Facilitating Academic Dishonesty

  • Knowingly engaging in any act that facilitates the academic dishonesty of another student; e.g., permitting another student to copy your answers on a quiz, exam, or assignment
  • Giving or selling a quiz, exam, paper, or assignment to another student
  • Informing students in later sections of a class of questions on a quiz or exam.

Violations and Sanctions

Violations of the Academic Honor Code will be dealt with seriously. If a student is accused of engaging in academic dishonesty in a class, the faculty member may decide on a sanction for the student (e.g., assign a failing grade for an exam or the course). The student will be informed of the alleged violation, the evidence upon which the allegation is based, and the sanction to be imposed. The faculty member will file a violation report with the Office of the Dean where the course is housed, which will maintain a permanent record of reported student violations. Students may appeal to the Chair of the Department in which the course is housed. Should a student be dissatisfied with the decision of the Department Chair, the student may appeal to the appropriate academic Dean. The decision from that office will be final. 

Sanctions for students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty may include:

  • Failing or receiving a lower grade on an exam, paper, or assignment
  • Failing or receiving a lower grade for a course
  • Academic suspension or expulsion.


Academic Load

Hamline University graduate students must be enrolled in at least 4 credits to be considered half-time and in at least 8 credits to be considered full-time. 

The following maximum credit loads apply:

  • School of Business Programs: Registration for degree-seeking students is limited to 8 credits per term. Students wishing to register for more than 8 credits in a single term may apply to the Program Director for the program into which they have been accepted for a waiver. The Program Director shall consider the reasons set forth in the request as well as the student’s academic performance and employment status. The Program Director’s decision on the waiver request is final.


Academic Progress

Students must make satisfactory progress toward completion of their degree or license within the time frame established by their program (see Time Limits). Review of students’ academic progress may include but is not limited to attendance records, course completion rates, and minimum grade and GPA requirements defined by the program of study. Time accrued on leave of absence and/or probation applies toward students’ program length.

Probation and Suspension

Program Deans, Associate Deans, Program Directors, and/or Faculty Advisory Committees may place students on probation or suspend students who are not making satisfactory progress. Definitions of satisfactory progress for probation and suspension vary by program.



It is the student’s responsibility to drop or withdraw from any courses they no longer plan to attend.

Students are expected to attend all course meetings and to turn in all course work as assigned. Students who are unable to attend a class or submit an assignment in a timely manner should inform their instructor in advance. Academic penalties, including failure of a course, may be imposed for missing class meetings or late assignments.

Students are not permitted to attend classes for which they are not registered.

Excused Absences

Students who miss class to observe religious holidays or to attend political caucuses will not be penalized if arrangements are made with the instructor in advance.

In the event that schools and businesses in the vicinity where a commuting student lives have closed due to inclement weather and Hamline University has chosen to remain open, the individual commuting student should determine whether it is safe to travel to Hamline for classes. Should the student choose not to attend, the student should notify the instructor as soon as possible. The student will not be penalized for not attending class, but the student will be required to complete any missed assignments or exams.


Course Cancellation

In the unlikely event that course enrollment does not reach the minimum, the course may be canceled. Students are notified via email as soon as the course has been officially canceled by the University.


Course Evaluation

All students are expected to participate in the online course evaluation process that the College of Liberal Arts, School of Business, and School of Education administer. Students should consider course evaluations to be part of the work of the course, just like exams and assignments. Individual professors, the Faculty Personnel Committee, and the Dean’s office staff read these evaluations carefully and make personnel decisions and curricular changes as a result of student feedback.

Access to view grades may be delayed if a student fails to complete the course evaluation during the open period.


Credit Value

The standard unit of measurement is the semester credit. Hamline University uses the definition of a credit hour as recommended by the US Department of Education:

Federal Credit Hour Definition: A credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally-established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than: (1) one academic hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit, or ten to twelve weeks for one quarter hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or (2) at least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph (1) of this definition for other activities as established by an institution, including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading toward to the award of credit hours.

This definition of a credit hour applies to courses at all levels. However, any college within the University may choose to set a policy requiring learning outcomes equivalent to more work than is defined in the federal credit hour definition. 

The number of credits associated with individual courses is indicated in the class listings.

For purposes of transferring credit, 6 quarter credits or 1 term credit is equivalent to 4 semester credits. Quarter credits may be converted into semester credits by dividing the number of quarter credits by 1.5 (or multiplying by 0.667). Term credits may be converted into semester credits by multiplying the number of term credits by 4. 


Email and Official University Communication

All degree-seeking students are required to use their official Hamline email (Google) accounts and are responsible for attending to any message sent to their Hamline account. Many official university communications are sent only via email such as issues related to registration, finances, graduation, and important deadlines. Student email accounts are generated when students register for classes for the first time. For more information see


Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended, affords students certain rights in regard to their education records. Hamline University intends to comply fully with the Act. Annual notification of rights under FERPA is sent to students by email annually. Students who have questions or wish to take action with respect to any of the FERPA rights listed below should contact the Registration and Records office ( or 651-523-3000).


  • Education Records: Education records include records maintained by the institution but exclude records maintained by individuals and available only to those individuals or designated substitutes (that is, “personal files”). Student education records are located and maintained by administrators in one or more of the following offices: Admissions; Academic Advising; Alumni Relations; Financial Aid; Registration and Records; Student Accounts; and faculty advisors’ offices. Note: The Registration and Records office is the only university office authorized to issue official transcripts and certify students’ enrollment status. All requests for such documentation must be directed to Registration and Records.
  • Directory Information: FERPA uses the term “Directory Information” to refer to those categories of personally identifiable information that may be released for any purpose at the discretion of Hamline University without notification of the request or disclosure to the student. Directory Information includes the following: student name; address; email address; phone number; date and place of birth; dates of attendance; class standing; enrollment status (full-time, part-time, not enrolled); major and minor fields of study; degrees, honors, and awards received (including dates); participation in officially recognized sports and activities; physical factors (height and weight) of members of athletic teams; photographs; and previous institutions attended. Records of arrests and/or convictions are public records and thus not subject to university policy. Note: If you wish to restrict the release of your directory information, you must do so by notifying the University Registrar.

Rights Afforded by FERPA:

  • Right to inspect and review education records
    Students have the right to review their education records maintained by Hamline University. Student records are available to them with the following exceptions: confidential letters of recommendation submitted prior to 1975; records of their parents’ financial status; records related to their student employment that are subject to other laws and are administered by the Human Resources office; medical and psychological records, which will be released only to a healthcare professional designated by the student; and, if the student signed a voluntary waiver of access, letters of recommendation related to admission, candidacy for awards, and candidacy for employment — these records may be used only for the purpose originally intended. To review their records, students must submit a signed, written request to the registrar identifying the records they wish to inspect. The registrar will respond within 45 days of receiving the request. 
  • Right to request an amendment to education records
    Students have the right to seek amendment to education records that they believe are inaccurate or misleading. Students may ask Hamline University, in writing via the registrar, for such an amendment by clearly identifying the part of the record they want changed, and specifying why it is inaccurate or misleading. If Hamline University decides not to amend the record, the registrar will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of the right to a hearing. Additional information about the hearing procedures will be provided to the student with the notification.
  • Right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information
    Students have the right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in their education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One such exception is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interest. A school official is a person employed by Hamline University including law enforcement and health staff; contractors, consultants, volunteers, and other outside service providers used by Hamline University to perform institutional services and functions; a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee or assisting another school official. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if they must review an education record in order to fulfill professional responsibility. Upon request, Hamline University discloses education records without consent to officials of another school in which the students seeks or intends to enroll and to officials of another educational agency or institution if the student is enrolled in or receives services from the other agency or institution. Students must submit a signed request to the registrar for grade reports or transcripts to be released to a third party (such as a parent or spouse).
  • Right to withhold disclosure of directory information
    Currently enrolled students have the right to withhold the disclosure of directory information as listed above by electing confidentiality. To elect confidentiality, students must file a signed Request for Confidential Status of Directory Information with the Office of Registration and Records. Electing confidentiality has significant consequences which should be carefully considered. Should a student elect confidentiality, any future request for directory information from persons or organizations outside of Hamline University (such as a degree verification request from a prospective employer) will be refused. Once confidentiality status is designated, it remains in effect until it rescinded in writing, even after the student has been awarded a degree. 
  • Right to file a complaint 
    Students have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Hamline University to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave. SW, Washington, DC, 20202.

Release of Student Information

Except as specified below, non-directory information will be released only upon signed consent from the student. Any such release will include a notice that further release by the recipient is prohibited by law. A record of the release will be maintained.

Records may be released without consent: to parents if the student is a dependent as defined by the Internal Revenue Service; to federal officers as prescribed by law; as required by state law; to agencies or individuals conducting educational research (provided that the administrator of the records is satisfied concerning the legitimacy of the research effort and the confidentiality to be maintained by the researcher); to agencies responsible for accreditation of the institution or its programs; to military recruiters as required by the Solomon Amendment; in response to a lawful subpoena, after making reasonable attempts to provide prior notification and opportunity for objection by you; and to institutional security officers when necessary for a criminal investigation.

The confidentiality of all records may be broken in an emergency if deemed necessary by the severity of the emergency, the usefulness of the records, and the extent to which time is critical.

Retention of Records

Hamline University reserves the right to maintain only those records it considers useful and to set retention schedules for various categories of those records. However, the administrator responsible for each category of records will ensure that a record being challenged is not destroyed prior to resolution of the dispute.


Financial Hold: Restrictions on Registration and Release of Academic Records

Students who have a past due balance on their Hamline University student account will be placed on financial hold. This financial hold prevents registration for courses or changes to a student’s registration schedule. In addition, no official transcript or diploma will be released until all financial obligations are paid in full.


Grade Definitions and Grading Information

All grades appear on students’ official transcripts, but only letter grades are calculated into the GPA. Grades for courses transferred into a graduate degree program at Hamline are not calculated into students’ GPAs.

Grade Definitions:

The following grades are calculated in the grade point average (GPA):

  All Graduate Programs Master in the Study of Law Prior to Fall 2018
Grade Point Value Point Value
A 4.00 4.00
A- 3.70 3.75
B+ 3.30 3.50
B 3.00 3.00
B- 2.70 2.75
C+ 2.30 2.50
C 2.00 2.00
C- 1.70 1.75
D+ 1.30 1.50
D 1.00 1.00
D- .70 0.75
F 0.00 0.00

The following grades are not calculated in the grade point average (GPA):

AU Audit-no credit given-attended class
EX Registration extended to following term
HP High Pass
I Incomplete
N No Pass-no credit awarded
P Pass-credit awarded
W Withdrawn

Audit Grades: Generally, students may audit master’s level courses on a space-available basis and with the permission of the program office. Students who audit a course will not receive academic credit for the course. The decision to audit is irreversible. A final grade of AU is assigned to the student’s permanent record. Auditors participate in all classroom activities, projects, and assignments but do not receive evaluation for their work. College of Liberal Arts graduate writing courses, School of Business MBA modules, and EdD courses may not be audited. Contact the program office for audit registration and fee information. Students intending to audit a course must submit an audit registration form with the required approvals to Registration and Records (East Hall 113) no later than the add/drop deadline.

Incomplete Grades: With an instructor’s approval, a student may take an incomplete (“I”) in a course. An “I” is not a final grade and will be given only in unusual circumstances that are beyond the control of the student. An “I” cannot be granted for failing or uncompleted work (a substantial portion of the work must have already been completed). All instructors enter “I” grades via Piperline before a term’s grading deadline.

An instructor must update an “I” to a final grade within four months of the end of the registration term (or by August 31 if the student intends to graduate in the summer). Otherwise, the “I” will convert to an “F” grade.  If an “I” has been converted to an “F,” the student may complete the necessary coursework, at the instructor’s discretion, within one year in accordance with the grade change policy. The student may not complete course work after that time.

Minimum Grade and GPA Requirements: Unless otherwise noted, only grades of B- or better, or Pass, are applicable to graduate degree and licensure programs and students must maintain a 3.00 cumulative GPA.

Master in the Study of Law: Minimum grade not specified, but students must earn passing grades and maintain a cumulative 2.00 GPA.

Masters programs in the School of Business: Minimum grade of C is required and students must maintain a cumulative 3.00 GPA.

Pass/No Pass Grades: Students may occasionally have the option of choosing the Pass/No Pass grading option. When this option is available, students must identify their preference at the time of registration and the decision is irreversible. Program specific information regarding P/N grades is as follows:

Creative Writing Programs: Residencies, internships, and capstone projects are graded on a Pass/No Pass basis, while all other courses are assigned letter grades. 

School of Business: Dissertations II-V (DPA 8992, 8993, 8994, and 8995) are graded on a Pass/No Pass basis. All other courses are assigned letter grades.

School of Education: Capstone, dissertation, and licensure advanced practica are graded on a Pass/No Pass basis (except for the Reading License Advanced Practicum which is taken for a letter grade). All other course work that is to be used toward a degree or licensure must be taken for a letter grade. The practicum seminar and exit interview in the Administrative Licensure Program are taken for no credit, but a “P” is issued upon completion of the processes.

Repeat Grades and GPA: A course may only be repeated if the final grade received was below the minimum requirement for the program (see minimum grade requirements by program above). All grades earned remain permanently on the transcript record; however, only the grade and credit recorded for the last time the course is taken are used in the calculation of the cumulative GPA and credits earned. Students incur normal tuition charges for repeated courses. When a repeated course is a transfer course, the repeated grade is not counted in the Hamline GPA.

Repeat courses for MBA students: The School of Business has established a limitation on the number of times an MBA student, defined as any student pursuing the MBA degree alone or as a dual degree, may repeat an MBA course that was not successfully completed in the past. An MBA course in which the student has earned a C-, D+, D, D-, F, AU, I, N or W is a course that has not been successfully completed.

  • Courses repeated must be taken in the Hamline School of Business MBA program. A transferred course may not be used to replace a course that was not successfully completed.
  • All course repeats must be successfully concluded prior to starting the core curriculum of Module 5.
  • The number of repeats is set at one per MBA course not successfully completed.
  • An MBA student’s failure to successfully complete an MBA course after one repeat will result in dismissal from the MBA program. An MBA student may appeal this dismissal to the MBA program director.  The appeal must demonstrate that both failures are substantially a result of a life-altering event, such as
    • a death in the immediate family or
    • the student losing employment or 
    • extended serious illness or injury of the student or of an immediate family member who requires care from the student.
  • If the MBA program director grants the student’s appeal, then a second repeat will be permitted.
  • If the MBA program director declines to grant the student’s appeal for a second repeat, then the student will be dismissed from the MBA program without possibility of further appeal or readmission.
  • If the MBA student fails to successfully complete an MBA course on the second repeat, no additional repeats will be permitted and the student will be dismissed from the MBA program without possibility of further appeal or readmission.


Grade Change and Appeal

Faculty Initiated Grade Change

Faculty members may apply to change a student’s initial grade up to a year after the grade was initially due. The faculty initiated grade change form can be accessed on the Grading Instructions page of the Registration and Records website:

Student Initiated Grade Change and Appeal

Grade Change
Students may request of their instructors course grade changes based on a claim of clerical mistake, oversight, omission, or arbitrary and capricious grade assignment and must do so within 30 calendar days of the date the grade was issued. The grade change procedure is not to be used to challenge grades on individual assignments. It is the responsibility of the student to determine whether the grade change request must be made sooner than this deadline in situations where prerequisite course requirements are involved in the student’s course sequence.

Students must meet with their instructor to request a grade change. To start the grade change request process, the student must contact the instructor to request a face-to-face meeting, and the instructor must respond in a timely manner to schedule the meeting. If the instructor or the student is no longer on campus, or if the student has a compelling reason why a face-to-face meeting would not be feasible, the instructor will engage in timely written communications with the student about the grade change request.

A decision regarding a requested grade change will be made by the faculty member within three weeks, or, if the request was submitted on a date outside the dates of a full semester (as defined by the program offering the course), within three weeks after the start of the academic semester following the receipt of the grade change request. By the applicable deadline, the faculty member will notify the student of the decision regarding the grade change, and, if the faculty member decides to change the course grade, the faculty member will also notify the Registrar. The Registrar will send confirmation of the grade change to the faculty member and student.

Grade Appeal
No grade appeal may be filed unless a grade change has first been sought and a decision reached. The grade appeal procedure shall be utilized if a student has been unsuccessful in achieving a grade change and wishes to pursue the matter further. As with grade change requests, the appeal procedure is only for course grades and is not to be used to challenge grades on individual assignments. In addition, the appeal procedure may be used only when the student contends that the course grade was assigned on an arbitrary or capricious basis. “Arbitrary or capricious” implies that:

  • The student has been assigned a course grade on the basis of something other than his or her performance in the course; or
  • The course grade is based upon standards that are significant, unannounced and unreasonable departures from those standards articulated in the course description, the syllabus, or standards otherwise clearly conveyed to the students in the course.

Grade appeal process:

  1. The student must first communicate with the instructor and request a grade change under the grade change process identified above.
  2. If the student is unsuccessful in achieving a grade change and wishes to further pursue the matter, he or she must submit a completed Grade Appeal Request Form, with all materials supporting the grade appeal, to the department chairperson or designated academic administrator (or Dean, if the department chairperson or designated academic administrator was the instructor). Students can download the Grade Appeal Request Form at The student is to complete Part 1. Department chair or dean will complete Part 2. Both forms, completed and signed, are required.
  3. The student must request the grade appeal no later than six months following the end of the academic term in which the course was taken, or within 30 calendar days of notification from the instructor as to the decision on the grade change request, whichever is later. Any application for a grade appeal after this deadline will not be accepted.
  4. The department chairperson or designated academic administrator (or Dean, if the department chairperson or designated academic administrator was the instructor) will consider the appeal and may request additional information if needed for consideration of the grade appeal.
  5. The department chairperson or designated academic administrator (or Dean where applicable) will make his or her best effort to communicate with the instructor regarding any grade appeal and allow for input from the instructor.
  6. A decision will be made by the department chairperson or designated academic administrator (or Dean where applicable) within three weeks of receiving the Grade Appeal Request Form, or, if the request was submitted on a date outside the dates of a full semester (as defined by the program offering the course), within three weeks after the start of the academic semester following the receipt of the grade appeal submission. This time line and the proceedings under this policy may be adjusted at the discretion of the department chairperson or designated academic administrator (or Dean where applicable) in the circumstances where the student has alleged a violation covered by the Discrimination and Harassment Policy in the award of a final grade.
  7. The department chairperson or designated academic administrator (or Dean where applicable) will provide notification of the decision to the student, the instructor, the Dean, and the Registrar, and will provide the student a copy of the Grade Appeal Request Form with the department chairperson’s or designated academic administrator’s section completed.
  8. If the student wishes to appeal the initial grade appeal decision, he or she may request, in writing, a review by the Dean of the department in which the course was taught. If the department chairperson or designated academic administrator was the instructor of the course and the Dean decided the initial grade appeal, the student may appeal by requesting, in writing, a review by the Provost. The written request in either event must include a copy of the Grade Appeal Request Form, as completed by the person who decided the initial appeal, and all documents submitted with the form. The request must be received within 30 calendar days of the date that the student was notified of the initial grade appeal decision. The Dean or Provost shall make a decision within 30 calendar days of receipt of the appeal materials. This decision is final.
  9. The Dean or Provost will notify the student and the instructor of the final decision and provide the student a copy of the Grade Appeal Request Form with the Dean’s section completed. The Dean, or the Provost, will notify the Registrar of any course grade change.


Graduation, Commencement, and Diplomas

Although the words are often interchanged, “graduation” and “commencement” have different meanings. Graduation occurs when a student has fulfilled all degree requirements. A student may graduate at any point during the academic year, as long as all degree requirements are met. The transcript degree conferral date is the date when final requirements are met or the end of term.

Commencement is a ceremony held to celebrate the academic achievements of Hamline University students. Participation in commencement does not mean that a student has graduated. A student will not graduate and a degree will not be conferred until all requirements are met, regardless of participation in the commencement ceremony.

Hamline University holds one commencement ceremony each year at the end of spring term. Students who have not yet completed all degree requirements may participate in commencement provided that all remaining requirements will be completed during the summer following commencement.

Completion of all degree requirements and clearance of all financial obligations is required in order to receive a diploma. Diplomas are distributed four times per year, following each term in which students may graduate.


Leave of Absence and Withdrawal

Leave of Absence

Students wishing to step away from their program of study but intending to return at a later time, are expected to request a leave of absence. Students may request a leave of absence for academic, personal, or medical reasons. Requests for a leave of absence should be directed to the Associate Dean of the relevant unit. A leave may be granted for up to one full academic year. Leaves would not impact a student’s eligibility for grants and scholarships that had been originally awarded. The deadline to take a leave of absence is at the end of three continuous terms of active status without enrollment in all three terms.

Should a student wish to extend this leave beyond a year they must make the request to do so in writing to Dean’s Office personnel and/or the Associate Dean. Students not requesting an extension will be automatically withdrawn from the university.


Students who wish to withdraw from the university must inform their program of study in writing. Refunds and course cancellations will be arranged only upon such written notification. Withdrawal from the university results in the forfeiture of any Hamline grants or scholarships. A student who later wishes to return must apply for readmission through the Associate Dean (and will not be eligible for grants and scholarships that had been awarded originally).

Administrative Withdrawal

After three consecutive terms of inactivity without a formal request for a leave of absence, a student will be administratively withdrawn from their program of study.  A student who later wishes to return must apply for readmission through the Associate Dean (and will not be eligible for grants and scholarships that had been awarded originally).

Note: Any period of inactivity (non-registered terms, leave of absence, or withdrawal) is counted toward the time frame for program completion.


Military Leave

If an enrolled student is called to active duty, s/he should follow the standard procedures for taking a leave of absence from Hamline University. Undergraduate students should meet with an advisor in the Academic Advising office. Graduate students should contact the Registrar in the Student Administrative Services office. The student should provide a copy of their military orders.

Leave during the add/drop period

If the student is called to active duty during the standard add/drop period, they will be dropped from their courses for that term. The student will receive full tuition refund and the courses will not appear on their transcript.

Leave during the percentage withdrawal period

If the student is called to active duty during the percentage withdrawal period, the tuition and financial aid calculations will be processed as usual. The student will receive a grade of W for all courses for that semester.

Leave after the withdrawal period

If the student is called to active duty after the withdrawal period has ended, the student’s military orders will serve as a petition for late withdrawal. The student will be withdrawn from all courses. No tuition will be refunded and the student will receive a grade of W for all courses for that semester.

Future tuition credit

Students who are determined to have paid tuition during the semester they are called to active duty are eligible to receive a credit for the amount paid. Following the withdrawal process, the amount of tuition paid will be determined by Student Accounts and Financial Aid in consultation with the Registrar’s office. Tuition paid includes cash or check, student loans, Pell Grant, Minnesota State Grant, SEOG and outside scholarships. Hamline scholarships and grants are not included in determining the future credit. The student will receive a letter stating the amount and terms for the credit. A copy of the letter will be kept on file in Financial Aid and the Registrar’s Office. The Financial Aid Office will apply the credit to the student’s account during the term the student re-enrolls. The credit will be valid no more than three years from the date the student commences the non-voluntary military leave.


Name and Gender Changes

All official name or gender change requests for current and former students must be made to Registration and Records (East Hall 113). The Name Change form is found at

Name Changes: All current and former students have the opportunity to change their names on institutional records upon the production of evidence showing the student name has been officially changed, accompanied by a written request from the student. A copy of a court order, a marriage certificate, or a dissolution decree reflecting the new name in full are examples of the evidence required to support an official name change. Minor changes in names can be made without a court order at the discretion of the Registrar (for example, spelling corrections). In these instances the student must provide documentation such as a current driver’s license with photo, Social Security card, or resident alien card. Note that diplomas are issued with the student’s legal name unless otherwise requested in writing.

Gender Changes: A copy of a court order is required, along with a written request from the student in order to change gender on institutional records. 



All Hamline University students are expected to access the university’s secured website (Piperline) to register for classes, check class schedules, obtain grade reports, request official transcripts, make payments to student accounts, update addresses, and various other non-academic functions. Students receive their Piperline login information upon admission to Hamline. Piperline is available at

Students should also maintain their current addresses and phone numbers by updating the information through Piperline (or using the paper form available for download at


Registration: Adding a Course

Registration is processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Registrations received from students with registration holds will not be processed until the hold (financial or administrative) is released.

Registration instructions and calendars are available online at Course offerings are available at Contact Student Administrative Services at or 651-523-3000 if you have questions related to registration.

  • Degree and Licensure Program Registration: Students register for master’s and doctoral level classes online via Piperline ( Online registration closes the day before each term begins (see the academic calendar, Once the term begins, registration changes may be initiated by email to Note: registration for MBA modules (non-elective courses) is handled by the program advisor.
  • Professional Development for Educators Registration: Students register for classes online through Piperline at Online registration for each course closes the day before the first class session.
  • Non-Degree/Non-License Students: Non-degree, visiting students (such as Sampler students) register by mail, email, fax, or in person in the Student Administrative Services office. Early registration is recommended as classes may fill. However, students may register for classes up until the first day of class as long as the course is still open.
  • Enrolling after the Class Start: Registration for a course after it has started requires instructor permission. For degree- and license-seeking students, a $50 late fee may be charged for registrations received after the course begins.
  • Cross-School or Cross-Program Registration: Students who wish to enroll in a course that is outside of their admitted program need permission from their program chair/director and the chair/director of the program to which the course belongs. The necessary form is available at
  • Special Registrations: Independent studies, internships, field experiences, capstone, advanced practicum, and other individual projects require specific registration forms and approvals. The appropriate forms are available online or from the program offices. Prior to submitting a special registration, students should consult their advisor regarding the format of the project. Students approaching their capstone projects should meet with an advisor for guidance well before the registration term begins. Most special registrations require the permission of the project advisor, and sometimes that of the program director. The student is responsible for obtaining all necessary permissions before submitting the registration to Student Administrative Services.
  • Confirmation of Registration: Students may access their course schedule for each term in Piperline to confirm registration.


Registration: Dropping or Withdrawing from a Course

Students who no longer wish to attend a course for which they are registered have the option to drop or withdraw from the class. The determination of whether a student is eligible to drop or withdraw is based on how much of the course has already taken place. Graduate students must request to be dropped or withdrawn from their courses via email to or in person at Student Administrative Services, located in East Hall.

It is the student’s responsibility to request enrollment changes of any kind. Instructors are not permitted to drop or withdraw students from classes under any circumstances. Non-attendance does not result in an automatic drop or withdrawal.

Dropping a course: Students may drop a course if they are within the drop period. Dropping a course means:

  • No notation of the course recorded on transcript;
  • No tuition owed;
  • Return of all financial aid, if applicable.

Deadlines for dropping a course are based on how many credits a course is worth and are as follows:

Fall and Spring terms (and Summer term for School of Business courses):

4 credits: 14 calendar days from the start date of the course*
3 credits: 10 calendar days from the start date of the course*
2 credits: 7 calendar days from the start date of the course*
1 credit: 2 calendar days from the start date of the course*

Winter term:

All courses: 2 calendar days from the start date of the course*

Summer term (except School of Business courses):

4 or 3 credits: 7 calendar days from the start date of the course*
2 or 1 credits: 2 calendar days from the start date of the course*


  • The start date of a course counts as the first calendar day in the drop period.
  • If a course’s duration is less than the number of calendar days in the drop schedule, the course must be dropped the day after it begins.
  • If a course meets 2 days or less, the course must be dropped prior to the start of the course.
  • If a course’s drop date falls on a non-business day, drop requests will be honored if received by the next business day.

Exceptions to drop deadlines:

  • MFA in Writing for Children & Young Adults students follow the above for non-residency terms. During residency terms, students may drop up to 10 days prior to the start of the residency and owe no tuition. If dropping fewer than 10 days before the start of the residency, 100% of the tuition will be owed.
  • Summer Writing Workshops must be dropped by June 30. If dropping after June 30, 100% of the tuition will be owed.

Withdrawing from a course: Students who wish to stop attending a course after the drop deadline must request a withdrawal. Withdrawing from a course means:

  • A grade of “W” recorded on transcript;
  • Tuition owed based on effective date of withdrawal;
  • Recalculation of all financial aid, if applicable.

In all cases, a request to withdraw from a course must be received prior to the last day of the class.


State Eligibility and Complaint Process

State Eligibility: Hamline University, like all higher education institutions, is required to obtain authorization from individual states to enroll students residing outside of Minnesota. Hamline can enroll students residing in most states, but please confirm whether your state is among the eligible states. Eligibility by state is available at

Complaint Process: Hamline University is committed to providing outstanding online education. If you have a question, concern, or complaint about your online education experience at Hamline, please review our complaint process for online education at Hamline at


Time Limits

Program Completion: Degree and licensure programs are to be completed within seven years, except for the DPA which must be completed with ten. In the MAT program, licensure requirements (including passing student-teaching and applying for MN licensure) are to be completed within seven years; students have an additional 7 years to complete the MAT degree. In extenuating circumstances, a student may make a written request to the program chair/dean for an extension of the limit. The letter should outline the reasons for the request and a timeline for completing degree requirements. 

Note: Any period of inactivity (non-registered terms, leave of absence, or withdrawal) is counted toward the time frame for program completion.

Certificate program completion has no time limit.

Final Paper/Project: See chart below.


Thesis I and II
The Creative Writing Programs (MFA) Each thesis registration must be completed in one semester. If the student is unable to do so, he/she must re-register and pay for the course again.
Capstone Graduate Legal Studies 1 Term
Capstone School of Business 1 Term
Dissertation I-V School of Business Dissertations should be completed within one-and-a-half to two years.
Capstone Thesis School of Education Students have three consecutive terms, starting with the term of registration, to complete the capstone. Students re-register if their capstones are not completed within three consecutive terms. The original capstone committee members are not obligated to continue. Students are eligible for one extra consecutive-term in the form of a capstone extension, which must be requested by the student.
Capstone Project School of Education 1 Term
Dissertation I-IV School of Education Dissertations must be completed within the seven-year program time limit. Extensions may be granted upon request to the department chair.



Unofficial transcripts and final grades are available for students to view on the university’s secure website, Piperline ( Final grades are available approximately one week after the last day of the class.

Hamline provides both electronic and paper official transcripts. For the protection of current and former students, all Requests for official transcripts must be submitted by the student in writing and personally signed or submitted via the university’s secure website and electronically signed ( No official transcript will be released until all financial obligations to Hamline have been met. For more information about transcripts, see
