Major Programs
Major requirements and requirements for teaching licensure in French, German, and Spanish are described under each language. Students are encouraged to take MODL 1010: The Language Phenomenon, or 1020: Language and Society, and, in certain cases, 1030: Language as Literature, early in their careers. If possible, students should declare their major as sophomores. Such a time frame allows for adequate discussion with advisors, and appropriate course and study abroad planning.
Students without a specific career objective are encouraged to complement their language major with a second major and to discuss possible objectives with a member of the department. In the past, students have chosen to double major in such fields as anthropology, biology, communication studies, global studies, management and economics, mathematics, political science, and psychology. The LEAD program offers opportunities for internships and for exploring both work and community service. Those seeking teaching licensure are encouraged to discuss their career plans with a member of the department as soon as possible.