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    Feb 14, 2025  
2014-2015 School of Law Bulletin 
2014-2015 School of Law Bulletin [Archived Bulletin]


Student Contact Information

Required Contact Information for Students: Each current student of the law school, from the first day of orientation until the date of bar certification, must have on file with the Office of the Registrar the following information: a current mailing address, a current telephone number where the student can be reached during the day, and a Hamline institutional e-mail account.

Recommended Contact Information for Students: Each student is encouraged to have the following information on file with the Office of the Registrar:

  • Personal e-mail address;
  • Contact information including name, current mailing and permanent address, all telephones and e-mail addresses for one or more persons who should be reached in case of emergency; and
  • Alternate telephone numbers of the student, including work, cell, and any other numbers where the student can be reached.

Information Update/Changes Requirements: Students should maintain and update their contact information online using Piperline.

Hamline University requires that all students review their contact information once each semester prior to registration for the following semester.

Official Communications from the Law School

Official Notices from the Law School: All official notices from the law school regarding course and class concerns, academic records, academic requirements, and other such matters are sent to the student’s Hamline institutional e-mail account. Any notice that is sent to a student’s official Hamline e-mail account is deemed received by the student.

Failure to Check E-mail or Respond to Official E-mail Notices: Students are responsible for all information sent to the student’s official Hamline e-mail account and for failure to respond to any notice or inquiry sent to their e-mail accounts. Students are responsible for checking their Hamline Institutional e-mail accounts frequently.

Additional Notices: Critical individual notices regarding academic standing, disciplinary matters and the like may also be sent through certified First Class USPS mail, but e-mail notification through the Hamline Institutional e-mail account will be deemed sufficient for purposes of any deadlines imposed by academic or other rules.

Duration of Hamline Institutional E-mail Accounts: Hamline University-issued institutional e-mail accounts through Google remain active throughout the student’s law school career (including leaves or other breaks) and after a student graduates for as long as the student or alum chooses to keep them. The Hamline email accounts for students who withdraw or are dismissed from Hamline will be inactivated immediately.

Communication of Schedule Changes: Changes to the schedule that occur before the beginning of the semester will be posted on the website under the term and course for which the change is made.

Communication of School Closings/Inclement Weather Policy: It is Hamline University’s policy to conduct classes as scheduled, but sometimes winter storms or other weather situations are so severe that travel is extremely hazardous. If adverse weather and/or hazardous travel conditions occur that necessitate canceling or postponing the university’s activities, the official announcement will be posted on Hamline University’s main website ( Students may also call 651.523.5555 for recorded information or listen to radio broadcast on WCCO-AM radio (AM 830), WCCO-TV Channel 4, or other media outlets.

In the event Hamline University has chosen to remain open despite inclement weather, classes will be held at the School of Law.

Communication of Individual Class Cancellations: If a particular class session is canceled due to inclement weather or illness of the instructor, the instructor or OTR will notify students through the class e-mail list.

Class Make-Ups: Instructors may need to make up any class canceled for any reason, including inclement weather, illness, or professional obligations. Classes will be re-scheduled at the prerogative of the instructor, and may be made up during the reading/make-up days at the end of the semester or at another time that does not pose a conflict for students in that class with another regularly scheduled class in which they are registered.

Other Communications at Hamline

Communication through Post Office Boxes: Hamline University provides Post Office mailboxes only to students residing on campus through the campus Post Office.

Building Postings: The policy on posting notices within the law school and East Hall areas supervised by the law school is administered by the Dean’s Office. All posters must be dated and have an approval stamp prior to posting. Any sign/poster hung without a stamp will be removed and discarded. Posters must be removed by the party who posted them no later than 2 weeks after they were hung or, when applicable, 2 days after the publicized event has occurred. Posters may be hung only on appropriate bulletin boards with push pins or tacks on the lower level. Poster/signs may not be posted in the classrooms, on walls, or on doors unless they are giving directions to an event.

For information about posting in other buildings at Hamline, see the Building Use Policy, the Posting and Canvassing Policy, and the Political Candidate/Campaign Policy available online.