Mar 11, 2025
2021-2022 Undergraduate Bulletin [Archived Bulletin]
ANTH 3050 - Topics in Linguistic Anthropology Goals: To study topics in the subdiscipline of linguistic anthropology. Intended primarily for anthropology majors or those interested in majoring in anthropology and/or minoring in linguistics.
Content: Focus varies. While the topic of this course may vary from year to year, all variations of ANTH 3050 will introduce students to the anthropological study of human language in its sociocultural context. We will explore the social and cultural dimensions of language in general and (a) language(s) in particular. Key concepts include language as system, language as performance, semiotic mediation, social context, indexicality, and language ideology. Some readings are theoretical, others ethnographic, drawn from a variety of speech communities and communities of practice around the world. Writing assignments range from sociolinguistic field observations and autobiographies to book reviews and analytical essays. Recent example: Language, Culture, and Society.
Taught: Annually, Spring semester
Prerequisite: One 1000-level ANTH course or instructor permission (ANTH 1160 is recommended)
Credits: 4