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    Mar 31, 2025  
2021-2022 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2021-2022 Undergraduate Bulletin [Archived Bulletin]

Financial Aid

Financial Aid Office
113E East Hall
FAFSA school code: 002354


Financial assistance is granted on the basis of the student’s estimated financial eligibility as measured by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Along with most other colleges and universities, Hamline uses the FAFSA to provide a fair, objective, and unbiased estimate of a student’s eligibility for assistance. Assistance is granted through a combination of scholarships or grants, loans, and campus employment.

An award is made one year at a time. The exact amount of eligibility is determined each year on the basis of confidential income and family information.

Students in on-campus bachelor’s degree programs must maintain full-time status to be eligible for Hamline-sponsored grant or scholarship assistance. Students are normally allowed grant assistance for a total of eight cumulative terms, including all previous post secondary work. Financial aid eligibility after eight terms is limited to remaining federal aid (Title IV) eligibility only.

Students in the online bachelor’s degree completion program are not currently eligible for Hamline-sponsored grant or scholarship assistance.

Federal (Title IV) funds are available to eligible, qualifying students, both on campus and online, who maintain at least one half of the full-time course load. Eligibility for these funds is determined by the amount of demonstrated financial eligibility, maintenance of minimal satisfactory progress toward a degree, and courses required for the degree.

Federal Pell Grants are awarded based on the results of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students are eligible for the equivalent of twelve full-time semesters in total. This total includes any terms at previous postsecondary institutions in which students received Pell Grant.

Minnesota state residents: the Minnesota definition of full-time enrollment for both on campus and online students qualifying for the State Grant Program is 15 credits per semester. The estimated grant is based on full-time enrollment of fifteen credits per semester and will be prorated if registered for less. Winter term credits will be combined with spring semester to achieve fifteen credits.

Minnesota State Grants are given by the State of Minnesota. Students are eligible for State Grant for the equivalent of eight full-time semesters in total. This total includes all previous post secondary credits attempted or earned at other institutions.

Other state grant aid programs include, but are not limited to, Minnesota GI bill, Post secondary Child Care Grant, and Minnesota Dream Grant. Applications for state-sponsored grants can be found online at

Application Procedures

Students who wish to apply for financial assistance should file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at indicating that he or she wants the results sent to Hamline University (FAFSA Code #002354). A Hamline application and supporting income tax information may be required.

It will take one to two weeks for the FAFSA to be processed by the US Department of Education.

Financial Aid Adjustments

In the event that we receive new or additional information including, but not limited to, housing, outside funding, or enrollment, your financial aid is subject to change. Unless paper notifications are requested, students will be notified through email when changes are available to be viewed in Workday. All Hamline merit- and need-based scholarships and grants are subject to reclassification (renaming) to be funded by a donor-endowed fund. The student will retain the honorary winner status of the original award.

Transfer Students

Students who have transferred credits to Hamline begin their course of study at the grade level approved by Registration and Records. Coursework that has not transferred will not be reviewed as part of the maximum time frame requirement for aid eligibility. Hamline scholarships and grants will be limited to a maximum of 6 terms and are not available for the online bachelor’s degree completion program.

Financial Aid for Summer Term

Financial aid is available for summer students enrolled in at least six credits. Financial aid for summer term normally consists of a portion of your Federal Subsidized or Unsubsidized Stafford Loan, SELF, private loans, or Federal PLUS Loans. Minnesota State and Pell Grants may also be available. Contact the Office of Financial Aid at 651-523-3000 for more information on eligibility and application deadlines.

If you are eligible to receive VA educational benefits during the academic year, you are probably eligible to receive them for the summer. For further information, consult the Hamline VA representative, at 651-523-3000.

Types of Financial Aid

Tuition Scholarships and Grants

Hamline grants of various types are available for full-time new and returning on-campus bachelor’s students on the basis of demonstrated financial eligibility. Over 150 different endowed and restricted tuition scholarships are available to students who both meet the requirements of the donors and demonstrate financial eligibility or meet requirements established by campus departments. Hamline is especially grateful to the many benefactors who have established permanent endowed scholarships; the income from these scholarships and grants are an integral part of Hamline’s financial aid program.

In addition, Hamline offers merit-based tuition scholarships to incoming students recognizing academic excellence. Hamline merit-based aid may be used to meet demonstrated financial need. A combination of Hamline-sponsored scholarships, grants, and/or federal or state scholarships/grants may not exceed Hamline tuition. If a student withdraws from the University and subsequently re-enrolls, he/she forfeits the original merit-based scholarship.

Reclassification: All Hamline merit- and need-based scholarships and grants are subject to reclassification (renaming) to be funded by a donor-endowed fund. The student will retain the honorary winner status of the original award. For example, a Hamline Presidential Scholar may be nominated by an academic department for a departmental endowed scholarship. That student may see a reduction in the Presidential amount and an addition in the departmental endowed amount. This does not change the overall total of grant and scholarship dollars awarded to you.

Housing grants: Housing grants, including, but not limited to, Piper Housing grant and Founders Housing grants are only available to students living on campus and may be renewed each year that the student continues to live on campus and demonstrates financial need. If a different Hamline funding source is found during the year, this grant may be reclassified.


Long-term, low-interest loans are available to both on campus and online Hamline students through the following programs:

  • The Federal Direct Loan Program (subsidized and unsubsidized) is funded by the federal government. Instructions on how to apply may be found online on the Financial Aid website at
  • The Federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) is funded by the federal government and requires prior credit approval of the parent borrower. Instructions on how to apply may be found online on the Office of Financial Aid website
  • The United Methodist Student Loan Fund is available to students who are full members of the United Methodist Church. Students complete a loan application, available online at
  • The Minnesota Supplemental Educational Loan Fund (SELF) is intended to help students who need to borrow more than is allowed under existing programs and students who have limited access to other financial aid programs. The SELF loan application can be completed online at The SELF loan has the option of either a fixed or variable interest rate and a requirement for quarterly interest payments. A credit-worthy co-signer is required to obtain a SELF loan.

Alternative/Private Loans

There are a variety of private loans available. All private loans are based on satisfactory credit history. Contact the Financial Aid Office for loan terms. Students may apply online at


For a description of employment opportunities, see Campus Employment in this Bulletin.

Scholarships for New Students

Hamline University offers academic merit scholarships for new students based on their high school records and standardized test scores. Students who transfer to Hamline with 24 or more college credits receive scholarships based on the college grades. Contact the Office of Undergraduate Admission for details.

United Methodist Matching Scholarship Program (Local) - Hamline University will match up to $1000 per year, renewable for three additional years, a scholarship awarded to a student from their local United Methodist Church. (Not available for students in the online degree completion program.) The scholarship check should be mailed directly to the Hamline University Financial Aid Office and identify the student recipient. Only one contribution will be matched if a student has both a local United Methodist Church Scholarship and a National United Methodist Church Scholarship.

United Methodist Church Scholarship (National) - Please see the United Methodist Church General Board of Higher Education and Ministry’s website ( and the United Methodist Higher Education Foundation website ( to obtain updated information on national UMC scholarship options available to active United Methodist Church members. Financial Aid will match qualifying national scholarships up to $1000. (Not available for students in the online degree completion program.) Only one contribution will be matched if a student has both a local United Methodist Church Scholarship and a qualifying National United Methodist Church Scholarship. 

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Financial aid eligibility is based on satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards that Hamline University of Financial Aid is required by the U. S. Department of Education to establish, publish, and apply. The Financial Aid Office measures academic performance and enforces SAP standards to ensure that financial aid recipients progress toward completion of their degree or certificate program. Students who fail to meet these standards become ineligible to receive financial aid until compliant with all of the requirements detailed in this policy.

To demonstrate Satisfactory Academic Progress, a student’s academic performance must meet two main SAP components. The first is a qualitative component, represented by grade point average (GPA). The second is a quantitative component measured by credit completion (the ratio between attempted and completed credits) and the maximum timeframe to complete the degree or certificate program.

Section 1. Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress

  • Grade Point Average – All undergraduate students are required to maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0.
  • Credit Completion – Students must complete 67% of all credits attempted. A completed credit has a grade of A, B, C, D, P, or HP. Withdrawals, incompletes, and repeated courses are included in attempted credits.
  • Maximum Time Frame – Students are expected to finish their degree or certificate within an acceptable period of time. Acceptable period of time for financial aid recipients is defined as 150% of the required number of credits needed to complete their program. This includes transfer credits from another college that apply to the Hamline program. For example, for a program that requires 128 credits, students must finish their program before they reach 192 attempted credits. Hamline is required to suspend aid eligibility after any review which shows that the student cannot possibly complete the program within the 150% program length. Review the bulletin to view the number of required credits for your degree or certificate. Students who require developmental coursework may appeal to have the 150% limit extended.

Section 2. Definitions/Conditions

  • Credit – A credit is the unit by which academic work is measured.
  • Attempted credits – Attempted credits include all credits for which you are registered at the end of the add/drop period, also known as census day.
  • Cumulative credits – Cumulative credits represent the total number of credits evaluated (attempted and earned) for all periods of enrollment at the University, including summer and J-terms or terms for which the student did not receive aid.
  • Earned credits – Earned credits are those that are successfully completed with a grade of A, B, C, D, HP, and P and all plus and minus variations. Grades of I, W, N, F, and EX, or drops are not counted as earned credits. Audit credits are not counted as attempted or earned credits.
  • Grade Point Average (GPA) – The GPA is calculated using a grade point value outlined in the catalog for grades A, B, C, D, and F and all plus or minus variations. Although a grade of P or HP will count as credit earned, it carries no grade point value.
  • Incompletes – An “I” or “EX” are included in the cumulative credits attempted. These credits cannot be used as earned credits until a passing grade is assigned.
  • Repeat Credits – Repeats may be allowed in order to improve a grade or meet program requirements. They are included in credit completion and maximum time frame standards. The most recent grade will become the grade calculated for GPA.
  • Transfer Credits – Grades associated with transfer credits are not included in the cumulative GPA calculation. Transfer credits accepted by Hamline University that are applicable to the current degree program apply toward the maximum time frame calculation for that program.
  • Change of Major, and Dual Degree – Many students receive multiple awards from Hamline University. Only attempted credits eligible for application toward the student’s current degree program will count toward the maximum time frame of that degree. Attempted and earned credits under all majors will be included in the calculation of GPA and credit completion. Students who change majors or seek a dual degree may appeal for an extension of the maximum time frame provision of this policy. Appeals will be evaluated on an individual, case-by-case basis.
  • Post Secondary Education Options (PSEO) – Credits earned while a PSEO student at Hamline University will be included in the cumulative credit completion standard, GPA, and maximum time frame calculation. PSEO credits earned at another postsecondary institution will be treated as transfer credits for federal financial aid purposes.
  • Consortium/Joint Program Credits – Credits accepted by the University are included with attempted and earned credit totals.

Section 3. Implementation

Academic progress for every financial aid applicant will be monitored after each semester, including summer term. If the program is less than one year in length the review will take place at the mid-point. All of a student’s academic coursework is considered in the review process, whether the student received aid that term or not. The assessment will be based on the student’s entire academic record, including all transfer credit hours accepted.

  • Financial Aid Warning Status - If the student does not meet either the GPA or Credit Completion standard, the student will be placed on Financial Aid warning for the next registered term. While on warning status, students are eligible to receive financial aid. Students on warning status are encouraged to use the many academic support services on campus to improve their academic standing. To be removed from financial aid warning status the student must meet GPA and credit completion standards. A student who has reached the maximum time frame prior to completing the program will no longer be eligible for financial aid.
  • Financial Aid Ineligibility/Suspension - Students who do not meet the minimum cumulative GPA and/or credit completion ratio while on warning status will no longer be eligible for federal, state or institutional aid. Students may be eligible for private loan programs and outside assistance that does not require SAP.

    Provided the student’s academic status allows for registration, they may attend the University at their own expense until the minimum cumulative GPA and credit completion requirement has been met.

    Hamline University may immediately deem a student ineligible for financial aid in the event of extraordinary circumstances, such as a student who registers for but does not earn any credits for two consecutive terms, or a student who demonstrates an attendance pattern that abuses the receipt of financial aid.

    Students who failed to meet these standards due to unusual circumstances may appeal the financial aid SAP suspension status.
  • Academic Suspension - Students who have been suspended by the University are no longer eligible for financial aid. If a student is readmitted, they may need to complete the financial aid suspension appeal process. Eligibility for financial aid will be determined based on financial aid SAP standards through a review of the academic record.

Section 4. Right to Appeal

Financial Aid Ineligibility/Suspension

A student who is unable to achieve SAP and is suspended from receiving financial aid has the right to appeal. The student may appeal the financial aid suspension status within 14 days of the date of suspension notification or prior to the start of the term. If appeals are received after the start of the term, they will be considered, provided there is an acceptable reason for the delay. Students are encouraged to submit appeals if:

  • The record shows that the student has now earned the required cumulative minimum GPA and credit completion ratio to meet SAP standards.
  • The student is readmitted after suspension by the University.
  • Unusual circumstances interfered with the student’s ability to meet SAP standards, including but not limited to:
    • Illness, accident, or injury experienced by the student or a significant person in the student’s life.
    • Death of a family member or significant person in the student’s life.
    • Divorce experienced by the student or parent.
    • Reinstatement after an academic dismissal or extended break in the student’s enrollment.
    • Personal problems or issues with spouse, family, roommate, or other significant person.
    • Exceeding time frame while in a second undergraduate or dual degree program or as a result of changing major.

To appeal, students must submit to the Financial Aid Office the following:

  1. A statement from the student explaining the nature of the extenuating circumstances that contributed to the SAP deficiency with an explanation of how the barriers/circumstances to academic success have been removed.
  2. Third party documentation to support the circumstances, if applicable.
  3. Approved academic plan developed by the student and the Center for Academic Success and Achievement (CASA).

Financial Aid Probation

If the student successfully appeals the financial aid ineligibility/suspension status, the student will be placed on Financial Aid probation for their next registered term. While on probation, students are eligible to receive financial aid. Students on probation status are encouraged to use the many academic support services on campus to improve their academic standing.

To be removed from financial aid probation for following terms, the student must meet the general SAP GPA and credit completion standards or meet the terms listed in their specific approved academic plan. If after any review period the student is no longer meeting the terms of the academic plan or the general SAP standards, Hamline will suspend federal, state and institutional aid.

Additional Note

The University has reserved the right to disenroll a student who is not meeting the SAP standards if they have not made alternative plans to make payment in full for their educational charges.

Return of Financial Aid

Change in Enrollment Status

A student that withdraws or decreases enrollment status may receive a decrease in the institutional charges. (See withdraw charges policy from Student Accounts Office)

Return of Financial Aid

The date on record of a student’s withdrawal or leave is calculated based on when the student officially notifies Hamline of the withdrawal or leave or their last day of attendance. However, the withdrawal from all your classes prior to the aid recalculation date(generally after the first 14 days of the semester, or a rolling recalculation date in the case of short/modular courses) will necessitate the return of all of your financial aid. However, if a student is able to document class attendance for each course prior to the term census date, the last date of attendance may be used.

At any point that a student receives a 100% refund of tuition; all state, institutional and private sources of aid will be returned.

If a student changes enrollment status after  the aid recalculation date, the financial aid package may be adjusted to reflect a change in  eligibility based on the new enrollment level for Hamline and State aid, but will not be adjusted for federal Pell grants

If a student stops attending without officially notifying the University, which is often determined when a student does not receive any passing grades for a term, the University will determine an unofficial withdrawal date. The unofficial withdrawal date will be the latest known date of attendance from all courses in the term reported by each professor. If there is no known last date of attendance in each course, the University will use the midpoint of the term as the unofficial withdrawal date.

All calculations for federal, state, or institutional return of aid or post withdrawal disbursements will be done within 30 days of the notice to financial aid of the official or unofficial withdrawal date.

Federal (Title IV) Refund Policy

Students that receive federal aid who cease enrollment after a term starts and before completing 60% of the term will need to have a return of federal aid calculation performed. The calculation takes into account the amount of aid a student has earned throughout the term compared to the amount of federal aid disbursed to the student.

The percentage of federal aid earned is determined from a calculation using the effective withdrawal or leave date on record and number of days in the period of enrollment.

If the student has earned less aid than was disbursed, based on a federal proration formula, a portion of the federal aid will be required to be returned to the federal programs. In most cases the return is done by the school. If any time a return of aid is required by the student, the University will contact the student with details on the required return. The federal rules mandate the amount being returned to federal programs following the program order of: Direct unsubsidized loan, Direct subsidized loan, Perkins loan, Direct PLUS/Graduate PLUS, Pell Grant, SEOG, and Teach Grant.

If the student has earned more aid than was disbursed, the student may be eligible for a post withdrawal disbursement. If the post withdrawal disbursement is in the form of a federal grant, the University will automatically disburse the funds to the student’s account. If the disbursement is in the form of a loan, the student will be contacted to determine if the student would like to accept or decline the post withdrawal loan disbursement.

The federal refund calculation and return of federal aid may also need to be completed for any withdrawn or dropped courses within the term, if the student is enrolled in a term which has at least one class that is offered in modules or short classes that do not extend the entire term.

State Refund Policy

Students that receive state aid who cease enrollment prior to aid recalculation date will have all their state aid returned. If a student ceases attendance after the recalculation date and before completing 60% of the term they will need to return a portion of their state aid. The percentage of state aid returned is determined from a calculation using the effective withdrawal or leave date along with other considerations such as percentage of award funded by state funds, payment on accounts, and amount refunded to federal programs.

Institutional Refund Policy

Students who receive merit and/or need based institutional grants and scholarships and who cease enrollment prior to the aid recalculation date will have all of their institutional aid returned. If they cease attendance after the aid recalculation date, the aid is reduced by the same percent as the student’s tuition is reduced.