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    Mar 28, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin

Educational Goals: The Hamline Plan

Image of students and professor in class

The Hamline Plan is goal-driven, with educational goals tied directly to graduation requirements. General education courses are as important as courses in the major. The Hamline Plan emphasizes the responsibility students have for their own education and the necessity for students to reflect upon and articulate what they have learned to the larger community. Students and faculty advisors approach the Hamline Plan not as a series of requirements, but as a foundation for discovery. For the student who seeks a truly liberal education, the Hamline Plan offers a wide and ever-changing selection of learning opportunities.

All departments offer Hamline Plan courses. Usually specific requirements can be met by more than one course. Many courses fulfill more than one requirement. The Hamline Plan consists of the following ten educational goals. (For specific graduation requirements see the Graduation Requirements: The Hamline Plan  section.)

Understand the Liberal Arts

Students begin their Hamline education by taking one of the many First-Year Seminars, which provide an introduction to college and a sense of community in small classes for first-year students only. The seminar concentrates on developing the skills of careful reading, critical analysis, group discussion, and writing that are basic to all college level study and basic to the success of students after college. Topics are interdisciplinary and vary from year to year.

Communicate Effectively through Writing

Expository Writing - In the first-year course, Composition and Research, students develop the skills needed for researching and writing in academic and public contexts. They use research to explore varied perspectives on complex issues and write to articulate a focused idea supported by evidence, with attention to audience expectations and genre conventions.

Writing Across the Curriculum - In writing-intensive courses, students identify specific written communication objectives appropriate to the course and the discipline, practice writing with guidance from the instructor, allowing feedback before the final product and building upon students’ writing strengths, and focus on the written communication process as well as the final product. Students complete three writing-intensive courses, two of which are embedded into the major at the beginning/intermediate level and at the capstone level.

Writing Intensive (W) Learning Outcomes:

LO1: Employ writing process strategies appropriate to the writing task and audience.

LO2: Demonstrate analytical insight and depth.

LO3: Articulate a compelling central idea or purpose.

LO4: Establish a clear and logical organizational structure.

LO5: Provide appropriate evidence and support for ideas.

LO6: Use stylistic strategies appropriate to audience, genre, and purpose.

LO7: Control the mechanics of readable sentences.

Communicate Effectively through Speaking

Students complete two courses designated as “speaking-intensive,” which may be offered in any department and involve explicit attention to the speaking process as well as the subject matter of the course. Emphasis is given to discussion and student presentations. A speaking intensive course has three objectives: (1) to designate specific oral communication learning objectives appropriate to the course and the discipline; (2) to enable students to practice and to analyze oral communication behaviors; and (3) to focus upon the oral communication process as well as the final product. Students gain experience in oral communication and discussion dynamics with coaching and response from the instructor or peers.

Speaking Intensive (O) Learning Outcomes:

LO1: Create and deliver effective oral messages that appropriately address the needs of demands of a particular communication context (e.g. listening, oral presentations, large or small group discussions, small task-oriented groups, interpersonal interactions).

LO2: Reflect upon their own performance, identifying possible alternative approaches and examining the ethical implications of the approaches or strategies chosen.

Reason Logically

The human mind has developed systems of thought that aid understanding and problem solving. Mathematics is the prime example, having been developed and refined for over 2000 years. But there are other systems of structured analysis, including logic and statistics. Every Hamline student takes one or more courses that focus on each of these two areas: formal (logical) reasoning, and quantitative reasoning and analysis.

Formal Reasoning (R) Learning Outcomes:

LO1: Explain the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning.

LO2: Demonstrate knowledge of basic method of assessing inductive strength or deductive validity.

LO3: Interpret and make use of symbolic and abstract representations.

LO4: Solve problems that require rigorous formal demonstrations with multiple steps.

Quantitative Reasoning (M) Learning Outcomes:

LO1: Explain information presented in mathematical forms (e.g., equations, graphs, diagrams, tables, words). 

LO2: Convert information into various mathematical forms (e.g., equations, graphs, diagrams, tables, words).

LO3: Perform calculations successfully.

LO4: Make judgments and draw appropriate conclusions based on the quantitative analysis of data, while recognizing the limits of this analysis.

LO5: Make and evaluate assumptions in estimation, modeling, and/or data analysis.

LO6: Effectively express quantitative evidence in support of an argument or conclusion.

Understand Various Disciplines and How They Interact

The academic disciplines taken together represent the most fundamental and useful bodies of knowledge, methods of investigation, and perspectives of the world ever devised by the human mind. Acquaintance with the major divisions of knowledge gives students a rich background for their specialized learning.

Courses that meet this requirement are essentially introductions to the disciplines. They include active learning as well as lectures, involving exercises in which students learn on their own and in which, with guidance, they are held responsible for drawing their own conclusions from new studies. Examples include discussion, problem solving, application of ideas, and laboratories.

Courses that meet disciplinary breadth criteria introduce students to the methods of learning and the context of interpretation inherent in the discipline. They provide insight into the process of research and ways for students to experience the methods of the discipline. Disciplinary breadth courses also encourage and facilitate lifelong learning by confronting issues or exploring problems or raising value questions.

All students take courses in each of the following four areas of study:

Fine arts - The most insightful and powerful expressions of the human spirit-dreams, fears, joys, awe-are produced by artists. Music, painting, sculpture, prints, ceramics, and theatrical productions are age-old ways for men and women to interpret and express their humanity. The Hamline student is aware of the creative and expressive arts, conversant with their forms and structures, and appreciative of their values.

Fine Arts (F) Learning Outcomes:

LO1: Engage in making or performing a work of art that is informed by disciplinary and/or interdisciplinary training and research.

LO2: Reflect critically on the production and reception of a work of art.

Humanities - The humanities encourage students to develop an awareness of the ethical, aesthetic, spiritual, and historical dimensions of experience. They do so in part by heightening students’ ability to understand texts and the relationship between language and culture. The humanities strengthen students’ ability to analyze, to recognize complexity and diversity, and to find creative solutions.

Humanities (H) Learning Outcomes:

LO1: Analyze and interpret written and other forms of text in their historical and cultural contexts. 

LO2: Formulate and support ideas or positions using textual evidence.

LO3: Engage in open-ended, self-reflective, critical inquiry into questions of meaning and values.

Natural sciences - The study of natural science disciplines provides grounding in fundamental principles of science and in methods of observation as well as accentuates the understanding of experimental, analytic, and laboratory methods of gathering and evaluating data. Learning how science works-and also the assumptions of science and scientific methods-teaches students the tremendous impact science and technology have had on human culture.

Natural Science (N1 and N2) Learning Outcomes:

LO1: Use scientific practices (a) asking questions, b) developing and using models, c) planning and carrying out investigations, d) analyzing and interpreting data, e) using mathematics and computational thinking, f) constructing explanations, g) engaging in argument from evidence, and h) evaluating and communicating ideas) to investigate questions. 

LO2: Evaluate claims on the basis of experimental or observational evidence as well as scientific reasoning.   

LO3: Evaluate the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and the environment.

Social sciences - These academic disciplines explore human behavior and social institutions. Social sciences emphasize theories and methods of study. Students learn the extent to which human beings create their social environment, see the range and variability of ways to live, and perhaps gain a degree of control over their own situation.

Social Science (S) Learning Outcome:

LO1: Analyze individual or group behavior in a given context using a social science approach.

Understand the Complexities of Living in a Diverse World

The goal of the diversity requirement is to help students demonstrate an understanding of systemic inequalities, power differences, and interdependencies of people in a diverse world. Students will engage in intellectual discourse and reflection about and across differences. They will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of diverse cultures, and reflect upon their own and others’ social identities (gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, dis/ability, class, etc.).

Diversity (D) Learning Outcomes:

LO1 (Understanding Across Differences: Knowledge of Multiple Perspectives & Critical Reflection): Students will demonstrate knowledge of diverse perspectives and experiences (cultures, traditions, identities, practices and histories). 

LO2 (Learning Across Differences: Critical Reflection and Personal Awareness): Students will critically reflect on their own and others’ social identities and differences (gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, dis/ability, class, etc.), and the factors that shape them. 

LO3 (Leading and Building Across Differences: Critical Reflection and Creative Engagement & Interdependencies): Students will demonstrate an understanding of systemic inequalities, power differences, and interdependencies of people in a diverse world by engaging in intellectual discourse and reflection about and across differences.

Prepare to Engage with a Global Community

Global citizenship is the understanding of and engagement with complex, interdependent, or overlapping global systems and their legacies (scientific, socio-cultural, economic, political, or others). This requirement is intended to equip students to (1) become informed, open-minded, and socially responsible citizens who seek to understand how their actions affect both local and global communities, and (2) address global issues collectively and equitably.

Global Citizenship (G) Learning Outcomes:

LO1: Identify challenges and opportunities involved with interacting verbally and/or non-verbally in a variety of cultural contexts (locally and globally).

LO2: Analyze complex, interdependent or overlapping global systems and their legacies.

LO3: Articulate their ethical, social, political and/or environmental responsibilities as a local and global citizen.


Collaboration - ­­the ability to work productively with others - is crucial for addressing the most pressing issues of today’s and tomorrow’s world. It is central to Hamline’s mission of service and leadership. Collaborative skills are in high demand by employers, and critical to career success across disciplines. Students will complete at least one course that focuses on developing and strengthening collaborative skills.

Collaboration (C) Learning Outcomes:

LO1: Articulate the potential benefits of and barriers to collaboration. (This is the ‘theoretical understanding’ of different approaches, models, and best practices for collaboration.) 

LO2: Critically evaluate how differences in individual characteristics and behavioral styles can impact collaboration and the functioning of a group. (This is understanding how differences in backgrounds, communication styles, decision making styles, power structures, and other elements can impact collaboration.)

LO3: Make meaningful contributions on collaborative projects. (This may relate to specific tasks, roles, or other contributions to group functioning, including group processes and outcomes.)

Conduct Independent Critical Inquiry and Demonstrate Information Literacy

Beginning in the first year, and building through intermediate course work in the major, students learn to frame a critical inquiry project and to find and evaluate information as part of a process of investigation. They develop the skills to determine which information is appropriate to their discipline and learn how to use information responsibly, integrating multiple perspectives. The developmental arc culminates in an advanced-level learning experience where students identify a meaningful and answerable question, develop appropriate methods of study, and present the results of their investigation.

Independent Critical Inquiry & Information Literacy (Q) Learning Outcomes:

LO1: Frame a critical inquiry project.

LO2: Integrate multiple perspectives.

LO3: Use appropriate information responsibly.

Practice the Liberal Arts

The purpose of the Liberal Education As Practice (LEAP) requirement is to encourage student development as liberal-arts educated practitioners and global citizens. The LEAP requirement provides a structure in which students can synthesize and integrate their academic skills and their career development through hands-on practice. Also, they can explore connections between their LEAP experience and the mission, vision, and values of Hamline. LEAP courses and experiences have a strong emphasis on hands-on, experiential learning. Many LEAP experiences - including service-learning, community-based learning, and internships - are classified as high-impact learning practices. It is strongly encouraged that students’ LEAP experiences take place in their majors, and that students participate in more than one LEAP experience during their Hamline career.

Liberal Education as Practice (P) Learning Outcomes:

LO1: Apply learning from particular academic programs or disciplines to their LEAP experience.

LO2: Integrate skills or capacities developed through education and experience into their LEAP experience.

LO3: Reflect throughout the LEAP experience to develop personal insight, growth, and development, and to build capacity for lifelong learning.

Establish Depth in One Area

A student’s major is an integral part of the Hamline Plan. Having a major allows students to develop breadth and depth of knowledge within a particular field. Students explore and apply methods used within one or more disciplines. As part of their major, students will apply knowledge of concepts, theories, and methods to an outside experience or internship, and engage in primary production of creative and/or critical work. At Hamline, students may choose from more than 30 majors in traditional academic disciplines and interdisciplinary areas. It is also possible for students to design their own major field of study through the Flexible Curriculum Option.