Sep 18, 2024
2013-2014 Undergraduate Bulletin [Archived Bulletin]
ANTH 3260 - Pilgrims, Travelers, Tourists
Goals: To introduce students to the history and sociocultural contexts of various forms of travel from religious pilgrimage to the rise of mass tourism and how each structures knowledge and experience of other places and peoples.
Content: Historical and contemporary travel narratives, ethnography, films, and guest lectures will be supplemented with theoretical essays to examine the power of the practice of travel in various forms both historical and contemporary. This course will emphasize the connections and tensions between various forms of the journey and issues such as self-knowledge, authenticity, class, the nature of “others,” and the construction of “culture.”
Taught: Alternate years.
Prerequisite: ANTH 1160 or GLOB 1910, or consent of instructor.
Credits: 4 credits