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    Sep 07, 2024  
2013-2014 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2013-2014 Undergraduate Bulletin [Archived Bulletin]

Academic Standards and Policies

(Note: Changes in the following standards and policies may go into effect periodically. The following are policies that apply specifically to undergraduate students; however, additional Hamline University policies apply as well. Visit for more information.)

Academic Calendar Final Examinations

Academic Integrity and the Hamline University Academic Honor Code

Four-Year Assurance of Graduation
Academic Load Grade Definitions and Grading Information
Accreditation Grade Change and Appeal
Adding, Dropping, and Withdrawing from Courses Honors at Graduation
Attendance Intent to Graduate
Classification of Status of Students Leave of Absence or Withdrawal
Commencement Petitions
Course Evaluations Piperline and Email
Course Numbers and Course Types Probation and Suspension, Academic
Course Prerequisites and Schedules Registration
Coursework Taken at Other Institutions
Release of Student Information
Credit Hour Policy Residency Credit Policy
Dean’s List  

Academic Calendar


The Academic Calendar can be found at: Please note that this calendar is subject to change.

Hamline follows a 4-1-4 academic calendar. During each of the 15-week fall and spring terms a student has a normal schedule of four 4-credit courses. Students have the option of taking one 4-credit course in the one-month winter term. In a nine-month academic year a student typically completes 32 semester credits. New students normally begin classes in either the fall or spring term. The calendar offers flexibility in curriculum planning and opens the way for the student to combine a variety of off-campus experiences with classroom learning. Many students have used the winter term for independent study projects requiring off-campus study, or for study abroad.

Summer session is considered separate from the regular academic year. During summer, two four-week terms and an overlapping ten-week term are scheduled. Summer study at Hamline enables students to make up credits, accelerate progress toward their degrees, take courses that might be difficult to schedule in a regular term, or take advantage of reduced summer tuition.

Students should consult the summer term website at for further information.

Academic Integrity and the Hamline University Academic Honor Code


Every member of the Hamline University community—students, faculty, administrators, and staff—is responsible for upholding the highest standards of academic integrity at all times. The assumption that academic work is an honest reflection of one’s knowledge and skills is fundamental to the integrity and to the value of a Hamline diploma.

Hamline University students are expected to comply with the Academic Honor Code. Dishonesty of any kind in relation to academic work threatens the integrity of the academic enterprise and is subject to disciplinary action by the university. Disciplinary action can include failure for an assignment, failure for the class, or suspension from the university.

Academic dishonesty includes cheating, plagiarizing, making multiple submissions, fabricating information, using materials in an unauthorized manner, misrepresenting academic records (including forgery), and facilitating academic dishonesty in others. The Academic Honor Code and student conduct policies are available online at

Academic Load


The typical program of study consists of 32 credits distributed annually over fall, winter, and spring terms. See section, Residency Credit Policy, for further information about academic load and/or residency policy.

The maximum credit load allowed is 20 credits in the fall or spring terms, 5 credits in the winter term, and 8 credits in the summer term. (Exception: registration in a 0.5 credit mathematics or science seminar (5000-level) or theatre production experience is allowed beyond the maximum credit load.)



Hamline University is accredited by the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. The Commission is located at 30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400, Chicago, Illinois 60602-2504 and can be reached at 312-263-0456 or 800-621-7440.

Hamline University is also accredited by the:

  • American Bar Association
  • Association of American Law Schools
  • American Chemical Society
  • National Association of Schools of Music
  • National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
  • University Senate of the United Methodist Church
  • Minnesota Department of Education/Board of Teaching

The university holds memberships in the:

  • Association of American Colleges and Universities
  • Association of Graduate Liberal Studies Programs
  • Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher Education
  • American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
  • American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers
  • American Association of Higher Education
  • Associated New American Colleges
  • American Council on Education
  • College Board of Council for Advancement and Support of Education
  • Minnesota Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
  • National Association for College Admission Counseling
  • National Council on Undergraduate Research

Hamline University is approved for attendance of non-immigrant foreign students under the Immigration and Nationality Act.

Adding, Dropping, and Withdrawing from Courses


The deadlines for adding and dropping courses are listed on the annual academic calendar at  Students who withdraw from courses after the drop deadline receive a grade of W. Registrations dropped during the first two weeks of fall or spring term and the first two days of winter and summer terms are not permanently recorded. For partial term classes, add, drop, and withdraw dates are adjusted accordingly. For information related to withdrawal from Hamline University, please see the Leave of Absence or Withdrawal section below.



Students are expected to attend the first class meeting of a course for which they are registered. The instructor may deny admittance to students who do not attend the first class; however, the student is still responsible to drop the class with the Registration and Records office. Thereafter, students are responsible to their instructors for class attendance and for all required work in each course, including work missed because of absence. In dealing with class absences, the instructor may require make-up or additional work; may lower the student’s final grade in the course; or may advise the student to withdraw. Academic penalties, including failure of a course, may be imposed for missing class meetings or late assignments.

Students are not permitted to attend classes for which they are not registered.

Classification and Status of Students


First-Year status: 0 to 31.99 credits
Sophomore status: 32.00 to 63.99 credits
Junior status: 64.00 to 95.99 credits
Senior status: 96 credits and above

Full-time status for Hamline undergraduate students is defined as a minimum of 12 semester credits per fall or spring term; half-time status is defined as a minimum of 6 semester credits per term.



One commencement ceremony is held each year at the end of the spring term to honor Hamline graduates.

Seniors who complete degree requirements with the exception of 8 or fewer credits remaining may participate in commencement only with approval of the registrar. All requirements for the degree must be completed before the beginning of the first day of class of the following academic year.

Clearance of all financial obligations is essential in order to receive a diploma. Diplomas are distributed within six to eight weeks following commencement.

Course Evaluations


All students are expected to participate in the online course evaluation process that the College of Liberal Arts, School of Business, and School of Education administer. Students should consider course evaluations to be part of the work of the course, just like exams and assignments. Individual professors, the Faculty Personnel Committee, and the Dean’s office staff read these evaluations carefully and make personnel decisions and curricular changes as a result of student feedback.

Course Numbers and Course Types


The first digit of each course number indicates the course level. The criteria for determining course levels are:

1XXX: introductory level courses
3XXX: intermediate level courses primarily intended for sophomores, juniors, and seniors
5XXX: advanced level courses primarily intended for juniors and seniors. Most 5000-level courses have prerequisites

ACTC (Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities) Cross-Registration Exchange Program

(Course numbers vary) Hamline students who wish to register for courses during the regular academic year under the cross-registration exchange program with Augsburg, Macalester, College of St. Catherine, and University of St. Thomas may do so in the Student Administrative Services office. This process takes place during the stated registration periods. To participate, Hamline students must be full-time, undergraduate degree-seeking students and may enroll in one course per term as long as it is not offered at Hamline during the same term. Consult Student Administrative Services for specific policy information.

All courses taken under this program are considered to be Hamline courses, provided the work is relevant to a Hamline degree, and are recorded on the student’s Hamline record. Credits and grades earned are included in the calculation of the grade point average. The ACTC exchange program is not in effect for summer school classes. For further information, please see

Apprentice Teaching

(Course number 4030) Students may earn up to 4 apprentice teaching credits, graded on the Pass/No Pass system. Apprentice teachers assist faculty with their teaching responsibilities. Registration forms are available in the Student Administrative Services office or at and are due by the last day to add classes in the term of registration.

Collaborative Research

(Course number 4010, or as designated by a specific department) Collaborative research projects offer students the chance to pursue independent study in greater depth with a faculty member, often in conjunction with the professor’s own research. These projects are commonly precursors to Departmental Honors Projects. Proposal forms are available in the Student Administrative Services office or at and are due by the last day to add classes in the term of registration.

Departmental Honors

(Course number 5010, or as designated by a specific department) Some students conduct Departmental Honors Projects in their majors, and have departmental honors awarded at graduation. See and refer to Departmental Honors at Graduation (section R below).

Independent Study

(Course numbers 1970, 3970, 5970) An independent study project is designed by the student to pursue an area of study not covered by the established curriculum. Independent study projects are designated with the course numbers 1970, 3970, or 5970 and are graded on the A-F scale. They are usually registered in a designated academic department but can be taken for interdisciplinary credit (INTD) if listed as such on the proposal form. All independent studies done for credit fulfill the Individual Ability in Learning requirement (Q) of the Hamline Plan.

Students are expected to describe in advance the questions they propose to investigate or goals they hope to achieve, what they intend to do to carry out these investigations or achieve these goals, and the criteria for evaluating the results. Offered without class attendance and with a minimum of formal supervision by an instructor, independent study is important in the educational program at Hamline because it enables students to use critical tools they have developed in investigating areas not covered by the regular curriculum.

Independent studies normally carry 4 credits. Students are expected to do the equivalent amount of work for 4 credits, usually involving 80-120 hours. Proposal forms are available in the Student Administrative Services office or at and are due by the last day to add classes in the term of registration.

Individual Study

(Course numbers are as designated in the curriculum section) If a class is not offered during the term the student needs to take it, students may take the class on an individual study basis with instructor permission. Instructors work individually with students to complete the coursework.

Individual study requires instructor approval; however, instructors are not obligated to teach their classes in this format. Individual study is graded on the A-F letter grading system. Forms are available in the Student Administrative Services office or at and are due by the last day to add classes in the term of registration.


(Course numbers 3960, 3990, or 5990) Internships are student planned and directed learning experiences that provide opportunities to integrate academic, professional, and personal skill development. The internship program provides students with supervised, meaningful work in a professional setting. Every approved internship requires a minimum of 120 hours (150 hours for Legal Studies internships) of work at the internship work site and completion of academic and reflective work done under the supervision of Hamline faculty. Students must submit a LEAD Learning Agreement (LLA) to the Career Development Center (CDC) by its designated due date for all registered internships.

Students may opt to complete one of two types of internships:

  1. Individual Internships: Internships that are completed by students independent of a seminar or practicum class. Students may register for a 4-credit or non-credit internship. All registered internships fulfill the LEAD requirement (“W”) of the Hamline Plan. Individual internships are graded using the designation HP (high pass), P (pass), or N (no credit). These grades are not calculated in the GPA. With instructor permission, a student may opt to be graded on the A-F grading scale by indicating this choice on the LEAD Learning Agreement form. (The form must be submitted by the due date in order to use the A-F grading scale.)
  2. Seminar or practicum classes: Internships that are completed as part of a seminar or practicum class. These courses satisfy major, minor, or certificate requirements. A total of 4 credits are granted for the internship and the seminar class combined. The seminar or practicum courses may have a different course number designated by the department in which it is offered. Please refer to the departments’ curricular offerings for more information.

Registration for an internship is due by the last day to add classes for that term. In order to receive credit, a LEAD Learning Agreement must be completed and filed with the Career Development Center by the LLA due date. Learning agreements and assistance with the internship process are available at the Career Development Center. No more than 12 internship credits can be applied toward a degree. All internship credits are considered to be interdisciplinary credits (INTD) unless approved for major credit by a department chair.

Special Topics Courses

(Course numbers 1980, 3980, 5980) Courses designated with these numbers are Special Topics and are not part of the regular university curriculum. A student’s major or minor advisor or department chair must grant permission to use Special Topics courses toward major or minor requirements.

Any academic department may offer topics courses; they are generally new or experimental courses. A Special Topics course can be offered two times before it must be approved through the undergraduate faculty to become a standard part of the curriculum and awarded its own course number.

Course Prerequisites and Schedules


Many courses require previous coursework (e.g. MATH 3560, Modern Geometry, has a prerequisite of MATH 1180, Calculus II). Prerequisites are listed with each course description in the Bulletin and on the Piperline online schedule.

Course schedules are available to students through the Hamline website at

Coursework Taken at Other Institutions


A student registered at Hamline in a degree program should consult his or her advisor and the Registration and Records office to obtain a Course Substitution/Prior Approval for Transfer Credit form before enrolling for academic work at another institution. The form is also available at The purpose of this consultation is to gain assurance in advance that the proposed study will be accepted for transfer to Hamline. In some cases, credits transferred to Hamline may be applicable to graduation requirements. The chair of the major department must approve academic work to be credited toward the major.

Hamline will accept course credit provided the work is graded C- or better and is relevant to a Hamline degree. Credit in narrowly vocational courses is not transferable.

Nursing, mental health, chemical dependency, law enforcement, military, and other focused professional program credits are transferable up to a limit of 32 credits if the course content is suitable for a liberal arts program. Consult the Registration and Records office for details.

A transfer student who chooses to retake a Hamline course that is equivalent to a course accepted for transfer credit may do so on an audit or zero-credit basis. The student may request the repeat only for the purpose of ensuring competency in a foreign language or other discipline before enrolling in continuation courses, and no additional credit or grade point average impact will result.

Grade points earned at another institution are not transferable to Hamline. In other words, coursework grades from other institutions will not affect the Hamline GPA with the following exceptions:

  1. courses taken through the ACTC exchange program including the ACTC/University of Minnesota Language Program;
  2. all courses sponsored by the Upper Midwest Association for Intercultural Education (UMAIE) during the winter term;
  3. integral Hamline programs sponsored by other institutions. This applies only to work taken while registered as a degree-seeking Hamline student.

Transcripts and other documents submitted from other institutions and agencies are the property of Hamline University and will not be reissued to applicants, students, alumni, or other parties.

For purposes of transferring credits, 6 quarter credits or 1 term credit is equivalent to 4 semester credits. Quarter credits may be converted into semester credits by dividing the number of quarter credits by 1.5 (or multiplying by 0.667). Term credits may be converted into semester credits by multiplying the number of term credits by 4. Applicants transferring credits should check with the Office of Undergraduate Admission to determine credit equivalence. Once application acceptance has occurred, check with Registration and Records to confirm credit equivalence.

Credit Hour Policy


Hamline University uses the definition of a credit hour as recommended by the US Department of Education:

Federal Credit Hour Definition: A credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally-established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than: (1) one academic hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit, or ten to twelve weeks for one quarter hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or (2) at least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph (1) of this definition for other activities as established by an institution, including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading toward to the award of credit hours.

This definition of a credit hour applies to courses at all levels. However, any college within the University may choose to set a policy requiring learning outcomes equivalent to more work than is defined in the federal credit hour definition. 

Dean’s List


The Dean’s List policy in this Undergraduate Bulletin applies to all students regardless of matriculation term. The Dean’s List recognition at the end of either fall or spring term is based on the following criteria:

  • a term GPA of 3.500 or higher;
  • satisfactory completion of at least 16 credits;
  • a minimum of 16 credits graded on the A-F scale.

Courses that are graded HP/P/N will not be counted towards the 16 credits needed to make the Dean’s List. A student is excluded from the Dean’s List if an N or F or I grade is received. Courses taken in January (winter term) or during the summer do not count toward the required credits for either fall or spring term.

Final Examinations


Final examinations are held at the end of each term according to a schedule established by the Registration and Records office. No final examination may be taken before the regularly scheduled time. Students are not required to take more than two final exams per day in any given term. Students who are scheduled to take more than two final exams on the same day should show their student class schedule to their instructors, and instructors will make reasonable accommodations to adjust the student’s exam dates.

Four-Year Assurance of Graduation


First-year students at Hamline University may enter into a partnership with the institution to ensure completion of their bachelor’s degree within four years. The student and the university share the responsibility for the success of this endeavor. Should Hamline fail to meet its responsibilities, and provided the student fulfilled her/his responsibilities, the university will provide the additional course or courses needed to complete the degree in the following academic year—at no additional tuition cost.*

A college education requires significant individual responsibility on the part of students. Hamline has in place a proven system of support to facilitate student choice and aid in the attainment of student intellectual development and educational goals. The Hamline Plan, faculty advisors, and academic and student services help students develop and find success in a four-year time frame. The Four-Year Assurance of Graduation does not apply to transfer students.

Student Responsibilities

  • Each year students must successfully complete 32 semester credits.
  • Students must satisfactorily earn at least a 2.00 GPA each term (passing all major courses with grades of C- or better).
  • Students must consult with faculty advisors on a regular basis to ensure the timely completion of requirements.
  • Students must declare a degree major by the end of the sophomore year** and work in a timely fashion to complete Undergraduate Bulletin stated requirements.
  • Students must file an Intent to Graduate form by the end of their junior year with the Registration and Records office.
  • Students must register for classes at the times scheduled by the Registration and Records office (within two weeks of the start of open registration).

Hamline Responsibilities

  • Hamline will provide course offerings necessary for students’ fulfillment of the Hamline Plan.
  • Hamline will provide faculty advising and advising support for degree programs.***
  • Hamline will provide tuition-free coursework in the fifth academic year if the university fails to meet the above obligations.

* Fees and Room and Board are not included.
** Although many Hamline students declare double majors and finish within four years, Hamline cannot assure that a student will complete more than one major in four years. This assurance does not require Hamline to provide additional coursework beyond the fourth year to complete a double major or double degree.
*** The four-year assurance policy does not extend to special programs such as Early Admission Law, 3-2 program in engineering, education licensure, or any certificate program.

Grade Definitions and Grading Information



Grade   Honor Points   Definitions
A   4.0   Excellent
A -   3.7    
B +   3.3    
B   3.0   Good
B -   2.7    
C +   2.3    
C   2.0   Fair
C -   1.7    
D +   1.3    
D   1.0   Barely Passing
D -   0.7    
F   0.0   Failing-no credit
HP   *   High Pass
P   *   Pass-(Equal to a C- grade or better), internships, credit by examination, and student teaching courses.
N   *   No credit
W   *   Withdrawn
EX   *   Term registered, final grading into later term.
I   *   Incomplete-indicates further work is to be completed. Unless finished by the terms of the incomplete contract, the grade becomes F or N.
AU   *   Audit

* Not computed in GPA.
Grades must be a C- or higher to apply to major, minor, or certificate requirements. Graduation requirements are not considered complete until all courses have final grades (no incompletes; no ungraded courses).

Auditing Courses

Full-time students may audit courses without extra charge with permission of the instructor involved. Such auditing must be recorded with the Registration and Records office. A $100 fee is charged for part-time and special students choosing to audit. An audit registration form is available in Student Administrative Services or at A final grade of AU is assigned to the student’s permanent record. No credit is earned. An audit is irreversible; once registration is entered on an audit basis, it cannot be changed to a credit basis.


Regularly scheduled courses, independent studies, and internships are to be completed within one term. With an instructor’s approval, a student may take an incomplete (“I”) in a course. An “I” will be given only in unusual circumstances that are beyond the control of the student. An “I” cannot be granted for failing or uncompleted work (a substantial portion of the work must have already been completed). An instructor must update an “I” to a final grade within four months after the end of the registration term (or by August 31 if the student intends to graduate in the summer). Otherwise, the “I” will convert to an “F” grade.

If an “I” has been converted to an “F,” the student may complete the necessary coursework, at the instructor’s discretion, within one year in accordance with the grade change policy. The student may not complete coursework after that time.

Note: All instructors enter “I” grades via Piperline before a term’s grading deadline. The instructor must also file an agreement for an incomplete (completed between the student and the instructor) with the department chair before the final grade deadline for the term. The form is available at

Pass/No Pass (P/N) Grading Option

Students are allowed one P/N course for every academic year at Hamline. Students must declare their intent to take a course P/N by the official drop/add date of that term. The Pass/No Pass card must be signed by the department chair of the course to be taken and delivered to the Student Administrative Services office by the published deadline. Once declared, the P/N decision is irreversible.

A grade of P is given only for courses that would otherwise be graded C- or higher. Not all courses may be taken on a P/N basis (first-year seminar, for example). Academic departments are under no obligation to offer a P/N option in a class. Courses required in a student’s major should not ordinarily be taken P/N and some departments do not allow P/N options to majors. Students on academic probation may not take a course P/N. Internships, student teaching, and courses designated P/N do not count in the student’s one-per-year limit. Please see the General Honors at Graduation (Latin Honors) policy for information related to Pass/No Pass grading.

Repeat of D, F, or N Grades

Only those courses in which grades below a C- were received may be repeated for credit/GPA purposes. All grades earned remain permanently on the transcript record; however, only the grade and credit recorded for the last time the D, F, or N graded course is taken are used in the calculation of the cumulative GPA and credits earned. Students incur normal tuition charges for repeated courses. When a repeated course is a transfer course, the repeated grade is not counted in the Hamline GPA.

Grade Reports, Transcripts, and Records

Grade reports are available for students to view on the university’s secure website (Piperline at Midterm grades are reported for fall and spring terms only and are not part of a student’s permanent record. Final grades are available approximately two weeks after the last day of the term.

Students’ records are confidential and information is released only at the request of the student or of appropriate institutions and officials. For the protection of current and former students, all transcript requests must be submitted in writing and personally signed. No transcript will be released until all financial obligations to Hamline have been met. A transcript request should be submitted at least three days in advance of the date on which it is needed, one week in advance during registration and commencement periods. For more information, see Once students are awarded their undergraduate degrees from Hamline, no changes can be made to their official academic records.

Transcripts and other documents submitted from other institutions and agencies are the property of Hamline University and will not be reissued to applicants, students, alumni, or other parties.

Grade Change and Appeal


Faculty Initiated Grade Change

Faculty members may apply to change a student’s initial grade up to a year after the grade was initially due. The requested change is pending approval of the respective dean’s office. The faculty initiated grade change form (Application for Change of Undergraduate Grade) can be downloaded via the Faculty Services tab in Piperline under the “Hamline Faculty Document Menu.” Faculty log-in is required to access the form.

Student Initiated Grade Change and Appeal

Grade Change
Students may request of their instructors course grade changes based on a claim of clerical mistake, oversight, omission, or arbitrary and capricious grade assignment and must do so within 30 calendar days of the date the grade was issued. The grade change procedure is not to be used to challenge grades on individual assignments. It is the responsibility of the student to determine whether the grade change request must be made sooner than this deadline in situations where prerequisite course requirements are involved in the student’s course sequence.

Students must meet with their instructor to request a grade change. To start the grade change request process, the student must contact the instructor to request a face-to-face meeting, and the instructor must respond in a timely manner to schedule the meeting. If the instructor or the student is no longer on campus, or if the student has a compelling reason why a face-to-face meeting would not be feasible, the instructor will engage in timely written communications with the student about the grade change request.

A decision regarding a requested grade change will be made by the faculty member within three weeks, or, if the request was submitted on a date outside the dates of a full semester (as defined by the program offering the course), within three weeks after the start of the academic semester following the receipt of the grade change request. By the applicable deadline, the faculty member will notify the student of the decision regarding the grade change, and, if the faculty member decides to change the course grade, the faculty member will also notify the Registrar. The Registrar will send confirmation of the grade change to the faculty member and student.

Grade Appeal
No grade appeal may be filed unless a grade change has first been sought and a decision reached. The grade appeal procedure shall be utilized if a student has been unsuccessful in achieving a grade change and wishes to pursue the matter further. As with grade change requests, the appeal procedure is only for course grades and is not to be used to challenge grades on individual assignments. In addition, the appeal procedure may be used only when the student contends that the course grade was assigned on an arbitrary or capricious basis. “Arbitrary or capricious” implies that:

The student has been assigned a course grade on the basis of something other than his or her performance in the course; or

The course grade is based upon standards that are significant, unannounced and unreasonable departures from those standards articulated in the course description or standards otherwise clearly conveyed to the students in the course.

Grade appeal process

  1. The student must first communicate with the instructor and request a grade change under the grade change process identified above.

  2. If the student is unsuccessful in achieving a grade change and wishes to further pursue the matter, he or she must submit a completed Grade Appeal Request Form, with all materials supporting the grade appeal, to the department chairperson or designated academic administrator (or Dean, if the department chairperson or designated academic administrator was the instructor)

Students can download the Grade Appeal Request Form at The student is to complete Part 1. Department chair or dean will complete Part 2. Both forms, completed and signed, are required.

  1. The student must request the grade appeal no later than six months following the end of the academic term in which the course was taken, or within 30 calendar days of notification from the instructor as to the decision on the grade change request, whichever is later. Any application for a grade appeal after this deadline will not be accepted.
  2. The department chairperson or designated academic administrator (or Dean, if the department chairperson or designated academic administrator was the instructor) will consider the appeal and
    may request additional information if needed for consideration of the grade appeal.
  3. The department chairperson or designated academic administrator (or Dean where applicable) will make his or her best effort to communicate with the instructor regarding any grade appeal and allow for input from the instructor.
  4. A decision will be made by the department chairperson or designated academic administrator (or Dean where applicable) within three weeks of receiving the Grade Appeal Request Form, or, if the request was submitted on a date outside the dates of a full semester (as defined by the program offering the course), within three weeks after the start of the academic semester following the receipt of the grade appeal submission. This time line and the proceedings under this policy may be adjusted at the discretion of the department chairperson or designated academic administrator (or Dean where applicable) in the circumstances where the student has alleged a violation covered by the Discrimination and Harassment Policy in the award of a final grade.
  5. The department chairperson or designated academic administrator (or Dean where applicable) will provide notification of the decision to the student, the instructor, the Dean, and the Registrar, and will provide the student a copy of the Grade Appeal Request Form with the department chairperson’s or designated academic administrator’s section completed.
  6. If the student wishes to appeal the initial grade appeal decision, he or she may request, in writing, a review by the Dean of the department in which the course was taught. If the department chairperson or designated academic administrator was the instructor of the course and the Dean decided the initial grade appeal, the student may appeal by requesting, in writing, a review by the Provost. The written request in either event must include a copy of the Grade Appeal Request Form, as completed by the person who decided the initial appeal, and all documents submitted with the form. The request must be received within 30 calendar days of the date that the student was notified of the initial grade appeal decision. The Dean or Provost shall make a decision within 30 calendar days of receipt of the appeal materials. This decision is final.
  7. The Dean or Provost will notify the student and the instructor of the final decision and provide the student a copy of the Grade Appeal Request Form with the Dean’s section completed. The Dean, or the Provost, will notify the Registrar of any course grade change.

Honors at Graduation

  1. University Honors
    Students who participate in the University Honors Program and meet its requirements for academic excellence, research experience, contributions to community, and development as a lifelong learner, will have University Honors awarded at graduation. Diplomas are inscribed with University Honors.
  2. Departmental Honors at Graduation
    Students who successfully complete a Departmental Honors Project will have departmental honors awarded at graduation. Students can obtain the Departmental Honors Project calendar, guidelines, and proposal form at
  3. General Honors at Graduation (Latin Honors)
    In recognition of superior attainment in scholarship, three grades of Latin honors are awarded at graduation. Diplomas are inscribed cum laude, magna cum laude, and summa cum laude, based on these minimum cumulative GPA requirements: cum laude, 3.500; magna cum laude, 3.750; summa cum laude, 3.900. GPAs are not rounded for calculating Latin honors.

    Only A-F grades earned in Hamline courses and under cross-registration with ACTC colleges are used in computing grade point averages and determining eligibility for honors at graduation.

    To graduate with honors at Hamline, a student must complete at least 60 credits graded on the A-F grading system at Hamline. Courses graded P/N are not included in the computation of the Hamline cumulative GPA, and are therefore not counted toward the 60-credit minimum. Latin honors are awarded only upon completion of all degree requirements.

Intent to Graduate


To satisfy student responsibilities outlined in the Hamline Four-Year Assurance of Graduation partnership (see section P above), students must file an Intent to Graduate form by the end of their junior year with the Registration and Records office. This form is available to download at

Leave of Absence or Withdrawal

  1. Leave of Absence

Students may request a leave of absence for academic, personal, or medical reasons. Requests for leaves of absence should be made to the Center for Academic Services. The deadline to take a leave of absence coincides with the last day to withdraw from a full-term class with a notation of “W” on the transcript. The academic calendar (see is published annually and contains specific dates and deadlines. A leave may be granted up to one full academic year.

Should a student wish to extend this leave beyond a year they must do so in writing to personnel in the Center for Academic Services. Students not requesting an extension will be automatically withdrawn from the university.

  1. Withdrawal
    Undergraduate students who withdraw from the university must obtain written permission from the Center for Academic Services. Refunds and course cancellations will be arranged only upon such written permission. A student who later wishes to return must apply for readmission through the Office of Undergraduate Admission.



Students may request an exception to academic policy by submitting a petition to the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. Submission of a petition does not guarantee approval. Petitions must be submitted in writing using a Petition of Academic Policy form available in Student Administrative Services or available to download at Specific directions regarding required signatures and supporting documentation are listed on the form.

Piperline and Email


All Hamline University students are expected to access the university’s secured website (Piperline) to perform various administrative functions. Upon acceptance of admission to Hamline, students are issued their Piperline PIN and provided with a Hamline University email account. Piperline is used by students to check class schedules, register, obtain grade reports, view updated course descriptions, make payments to student accounts, update addresses, and various other non-academic functions. Piperline is available at

All students are required to use their official Hamline email (Google) accounts and are responsible for any message sent to their Hamline account. Many official university notices will be sent only via email such as issues related to registration, graduation, and important deadlines. In addition, many instructors require the use of email in their classes. For more information see Students should also maintain their current addresses and phone numbers by either filling out a change form in Student Administrative Services (or form available for download at or by updating the information on Piperline

Probation and Suspension, Academic


Academic probation is intended as a means to identify, notify, and extend help to students who seem for whatever reason to be jeopardizing the possibility of their eventual graduation. It is not intended to be a punitive sanction against students who fail to meet the scholastic standards noted below:

Students may be placed on academic probation for any of the following reasons:

  • a cumulative GPA lower than 2.0 at the end of any term;
  • a term GPA lower than 1.7 at the end of any term;
  • more than one F or N grade in any one term;
  • an unsatisfactory progression rate for completion of course credits.

Academic probation or suspension status affects student athletes’ eligibility to compete. Student athletes should contact the Hamline University athletic compliance director with concerns regarding the NCAA and MIAC eligibility policy.The Student Progress Committee makes all decisions regarding probation and suspension. Students who are placed on academic probation at the end of a term have the next term enrolled in which to remove themselves from probation. Students not removed from probation within this period are subject to dismissal (suspension) from the university.After a minimum of one semester of suspension, a student may apply for readmission to Hamline University through the Office of Undergraduate Admission.



Students are required to register at specified times that the Registration and Records office publishes annually. Returning students register for fall term during April of the prior academic year, and during November for winter and spring terms. Registration priority is based on the number of credits completed and in progress at the time of registration. New students register for their first semester with the Center for Academic Services.

Students are responsible for accurate registration; credit can be received only in those courses for which a student is properly registered. A student is held responsible for every course for which he or she registers unless the course is officially canceled. Hamline reserves the right to cancel any courses offered during the academic year when it becomes necessary.

During the published registration periods, students may register for a maximum of 19 credits in the fall and spring terms, and 5 credits in the winter term. The purpose of this 19 credit limit is to effectively manage course enrollments. Students may add and drop courses on a space-available basis on Piperline up to the beginning of each term. Add/drop cards are used to make changes once a term has begun. Students may not exceed 20 credits in fall or spring terms but may make schedule adjustments up to a 20 credit maximum once classes begin through the end of the add/drop period. The academic calendar (see is posted annually and contains specific dates and deadlines for registration and related activities. Students who remain unregistered at the end of the add/drop period, and have not requested an official leave of absence through the Center for Academic Services, will be administratively withdrawn from the university.

Instructor permission is required to register for a course after it has begun. Registration requests up to one year after a course has ended will be considered via the petition process; later requests will be denied. More registration information is also available from the Online Registration Guide at

Release of Student Information


Access to student records, which complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), is described below. For more FERPA information, see

  1. Definitions

Record: A record includes any data or information about you and related individuals, regardless of the media used to create or maintain the record.

Education Records: Education records include records maintained by the institution but exclude records maintained by individuals and available only to those individuals or designated substitutes (that is, “personal files”). Your education records are located and maintained by administrators in one or more of the following offices: Admissions; Center for Academic Services, Alumni Relations; Financial Aid; Registration and Records; Student Accounts, and faculty advisors’ offices. Note: The Registration and Records office is the only university office authorized to issue official transcripts and certify students’ enrollment status. All requests for such documentation must be directed to Student Administrative Services.

Public Information: Public information (also called “directory” information) includes your name, student ID number, address, e-mail address, phone number, dates of attendance, class standing, full-time or part-time enrollment status, photographs, previous institutions attended, major/minor field of study, degrees, honors, and awards, date and place of birth, and athletic participation. Records of arrests and/or convictions are public records and thus not subject to university policy. Note: If you wish to restrict the release of your directory information, you must do so by notifying the Undergraduate Registrar (Law/Grad 113).

  1. Release in Emergencies

    The confidentiality of all records may be broken in an emergency if deemed necessary by the severity of the emergency, the usefulness of the records, and the extent to which time is critical.

  2. Release to You

    Your records are available to you with the following exceptions: confidential letters of recommendation submitted prior to 1975; records of your parents’ financial status; records related to your student employment that are subject to other laws and are administered by the Human Resources office; medical and psychological records (which will be released only to a healthcare professional designated by you) and, if you signed a voluntary waiver of access, letters of recommendation related to admission, candidacy for awards, and candidacy for employment - these records may be used only for the purpose originally intended. You may see any of your available records within 45 days after submitting a written request to the Registration and Records office, either in person or by mail. You will receive an interpretation of the record upon request, at or after the time that access is granted.

  3. Release to Others
    Except as specified below, your records will be released only upon completion of a consent form or letter you have signed. Any such release will include a notice that further release by the recipient is prohibited by law. A record of the release will be maintained.

    Records about you will be released without your consent to your parents if you are a dependent as defined by the Internal Revenue Service; to federal officers as prescribed by law; as required by state law; to agencies or individuals conducting educational research (provided that the administrator of the records is satisfied concerning the legitimacy of the research effort and the confidentiality to be maintained by the researcher); to agencies responsible for accreditation of the institution or its programs; in response to a lawful subpoena, after making reasonable attempts to provide prior notification and opportunity for objection by you; and to institutional security officers when necessary for a criminal investigation.

  4. Retention of Records
    Hamline University reserves the right to maintain only those records it considers useful and to set retention schedules for various categories of those records. However, the administrator responsible for each category of records will ensure that a record being challenged is not destroyed prior to resolution of the dispute.

Residency Credit Policy


All Hamline students are required to complete 128 residency credits in order to graduate. Full-time students may earn up to 34 residency credits per year toward these 128 required residency credits, though many students will take just 32 credits per year. Any credits transferred in count toward the residency requirement; however, students must complete a minimum of 56 credits at Hamline.  Twenty-eight of the last 32 residency credits must be completed at Hamline or within the ACTC exchange, Hamline approved off-campus programs, or HECUA. Students may distribute their credits through fall, winter, and spring terms (e.g., 16 fall, 4 winter, 12 spring; 16 fall, 0 winter, 16 spring, etc.).

For no additional charge, on a space-available basis, students may take additional non-residency credits (up to 20 credits in fall and spring terms and up to 5 credits in winter term). Students may take additional non-residency credits during the academic year that will apply to all other requirements except residency credits. However, a maximum of 34 credits may be counted annually toward the 128 residency credits required for graduation. Students who wish to accelerate their graduation may do by completing courses during summer terms. A maximum of 8 residency credits may be earned in the summer per year.

Transfer students must take at least 56 residency credits at Hamline or within the ACTC consortium to earn a Hamline degree. Sixty credits graded A-F are required for transfer students to be eligible for Latin honors at graduation.