2011-2012 Undergraduate Bulletin [Archived Bulletin]
East Asian Studies Program
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East Asia was the location of some of the most dramatic global events of the last half of the 20th century. From post-colonial revolutions and socialist experiments to Cold War conflicts and diasporic movements of people, the transformations affected the lives and lifeways of over a billion human beings across numerous states, nations, and societies. The rapid economic, political and social transformations of globalization in countries throughout the region have led many to proclaim the 21st century as the “Asian Century.”
A major in East Asian studies at Hamline challenges students to acquire working knowledge of the diverse histories, languages, and cultures of any number of East Asian societies–knowledge that will be vitally important across all sectors of the American economy and society in the years to come. An East Asian Studies major demands that students acquire broad understanding of East Asia, learn the approaches of at least one specific academic discipline, and study a specific area of East Asia in depth. In addition, a major demands that students work toward a functional knowledge of one East Asian language or dialect. This major is possible through the wide variety of courses at Hamline and through the cooperation and cross-registration opportunities among the Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities (ACTC). Study abroad is strongly encouraged for all or part of the student’s junior year.
A minor in East Asian studies is designed to challenge students to acquire a basic functional understanding of the history, culture, and/or languages of East Asia that will complement a disciplinary major.
East Asian Studies program director: David Davies, anthropology department.
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