Jan 02, 2025
2023-2024 Undergraduate Bulletin [Archived Bulletin]
ECST 5950 - Senior Seminar Crosslisted: Also listed as ANTH 5950
Goals: To provide majors, in their senior year, the opportunity to bring together the variety of content and knowledge from the courses they have taken to broadly address theoretical or conceptual issues of contemporary relevance in the field.
Content: This is a capstone course in the major that emphasizes the competencies of working in groups, understanding multiple viewpoints, discussion and presentation skills, critique, and the production of high quality written work. This course is intended to reaffirm the learning objectives of the program, and to be a gateway to using knowledge beyond the university in the world of work, or within further professional training.
Prerequisites: ANTH 1160 and at least one 3000-level anthropology course (for anthropology majors), or ECST 1100 and ECST 1500 (for environmental and climate studies majors)
Credits: 4